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  • 1.
    Bukovac, Sandra
    et al.
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Hvrat, Aida
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    "Man kan behöva en spark i rumpan": En intervjustudie om medarbetarnas uppfattningar kring en organisations friskvårdssatsning2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this study, the aim is to investigate how employees in one organization perceive training during working hours, what motivates them and how they learn. The aim of the study is to contribute to progression of the healthcare based on the employees needs. This study also expects to increase the knowledge in workplace health. We have used qualitative content analysis with phenomenographic method. To answer the purpose we have conducted 14 qualitative interviews. The results shows that the perception of health are of diverse nature. Some perceive health as the absence of disease and from a more holistic perspective. Learning is for some about conducting training with for example rubber band while for others it is about establishing new habits. Suggestions for improvement that came trough was: extension of time for training, to get a local to stay on, more instructions of exercises, more group activities as well as to plan activities during study days. What is perceived as meaningful by the investment was that the managers shows that they care about their employees, to become pushed to start training through compulsory training, and motivates to change by physical symptoms such as pain.

  • 2.
    Elvén, Nick
    et al.
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Jarjis, Marina
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Vad gömmer sig bakom reklamen?: En studie om representationer av klass och etnicitet i svensk tv-reklam2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka representationer av etnicitet och klass i de två svenska kommersiella tv-kanalerna Tv3 och Kanal5. Undersökningen bygger på en enkel textanalys av insamlat material och under analysarbetet har begrepp som representation, den Andre, etnicitet, vithet och klass används. För att specificera vårt syfte har vi utgått ifrån två frågeställningar: Vilka representationer av etnicitet förekommer i reklamen? Vilka representationer av klass förekommer i reklamen?

    Sju olika teman utkristalliserade sig under analysarbetets gång. Under huvudrubriken "Etnicitet" finner vi det första temat, Icke-västerlänningar som exotiska. Detta tema handlar om att innehållet i reklamfilmerna anspelar på koloniala föreställningar om "de Andra" och att gruppen "icke-västerlänningar" framställs som exotisk och annorlunda i förhållande till de västerländska karaktärerna. Detta gäller även för temat Stereotypen pizzabagaren/restaurangägaren. Detta tema handlar om hur reklamfilmen för GE Money Banks reklamfilm anspelar på föreställningar/fördomar om att icke-västerlänningar arbetar som pizzabagare/restaurangägare. I det tredje temat, Icke-västerlänningar som framgångsrika eller "ordinära", lyfter vi fram bilden av den icke-västerländska karaktären som, mot alla odds, lyckas nå framgång och status. I detta fall skriver texten tillbaka, eller bryter, mot vissa narrativa strukturer. Det vackra Sverige är det fjärde och sista temat under huvudrubriken etnicitet. I detta tema lyfter vi fram reklamfilmer som anspelar på representationer av Sverige och någon form av svenskhet.

    Under den andra rubriken "Klass" kom det första temat att handla om De pålitliga yrkesgrupperna - doktorer och tandläkare. Här diskuterar vi vissa yrkesgruppers trovärdighet, och hur man kan koppla denna trovärdighet till klass. I det andra temat, Den normativa medelklassen, diskuterar vi hur medelklass används som ideal i tv-reklam generellt. Här lyfter vi fram medelklassens vita leenden där reklamfilmerna anspelar på en exklusiv miljö. Vi menar att detta speglar relationen mellan klass och tandhälsa idag, där god tandhälsa är likställt med god ekonomisk status. I det tredje temat, Arbetarklassmannen, lyfter vi fram en reklamfilm som inte förhåller sig till medeklassnormen, utan lyfter fram arbetarklassen och en blue collar-sfär i vilken drömmar stannar vid drömmar och/eller längtan efter kött konstruerar arbetarklassmannen som man.

    Sammanfattningsvis kan vi kortfattat konstatera att representanter för andra etniska grupper än svenska var sällsynta i reklaminslagen. Om och när det förekom, så handlade det, åtminstone i vårt material, framför allt om att framställa dessa som avvikande och/eller exotiska. När det kommer till klassperspektivet så var den normativa medelklassen ett ständigt återkommande inslag i reklaminslagen, såväl när det kommer till utseende som miljöer och konsumtionsvanor. I reklamens värld är medelklassnormen stark.

  • 3.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Folkhälsa och salutogenes2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 105-125Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 4.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Kritik av den salutogena teorin2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 78-91Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning]2015 (ed. 1. uppl.)Book (Other academic)
  • 6.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Section for health promotion and care sciences. University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung - från forskning till praktisk tillämpning2015Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna bok ger ett vetenskapligt perspektiv på salutogenes - det goda livets ursprung. Forskningsfältet salutogenes beskrivs här med utgångspunkt i människors strävan efter det goda livet, mitt i arbete med att ta hand om barn och familj och att göra en fullödig insats inom arbetslivet antingen man är ledare eller medarbetare. Principer för tillämpning i arbetslivet diskuteras också.Läs merForskningsfältet salutogenes beskrivs här med utgångspunkt i människors strävan efter det goda livet, mitt i arbete med att ta hand om barn och familj och att göra en fullödig insats inom arbetslivet antingen som ledare eller medarbetare. Principer för tillämpning i arbetslivet diskuteras också. Boken är skriven av forskare med god kännedom på området och bidrar med ny kunskap då salutogenes sätts i ett sammanhang. Författarna relaterar kunskapsområdet till hälsofrämjande och visar hur viktiga människors olika förmågor och resurser för hälsa och välbefinnande är för hälsofrämjande.Om författarnaMonica Eriksson är politices doktor och docent i socialpolitik med inriktning hälsofrämjande. Författarna är verksamma vid Högskolan Väst och Centrum för Salutogenes och arbetar dagligen med frågor kring hälsa i olika sammanhang.

  • 7.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Salutogenes är mer än känsla av sammanhang2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 92-104Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Samband mellan SOC och hälsa: en kunskapsinventering2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 47-77Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Teorin om hälsans ursprung: en systematisk forskningsöversikt2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 14-46Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 10.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Utblick2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 209-211Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 11.
    Eriksson, Monica
    et al.
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Winroth, Jan
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Hälsa och hälsofrämjande: klargöra begrepp2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 1-13Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Forsman, Berit
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Sköra äldre patienters erfarenheter av akut återinläggning på sjukhus2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Frail elderly is described as multi diseased, vulnerable, in need of medication and hospital care. The group of patients is a growing part of the population in the western world. Theories of patient centered care, health literacy and hand over problems are also described in the background. Aim: to describe a group of frail elderly patients experiences of hospital readmission and identify possible organizational flaws. Method: Qualitative data was collected from 20 patients during their second visit at the hospital and a content analysis was performed. Results: Findings were; experiences of ill being ever since the first hospitalization period due to not being well enough, being sent home to quickly or relatives not being strong enough to handle the situation. Experiences of not being informed or being informed in a noisy surrounding about the given care, and how to rehab when returning home. Findings also described situations of misunderstanding related to informant´s present medication and finally a need for appropriate discharge calls for the frail elderly patient. Conclusion: The results highlight a need to act according to the patient´s legal rights to be informed and participate in the decision-making. An implementation of patient centered care can make it possible. An increased number of nursing specialists in the elderly care might also lead to improved continuity and give support to the frail elderly.

  • 13.
    Lindsten, Linneá
    et al.
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Stenberg, Måns
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Det är som en amöba som måste ändra sig utifrån de förutsättningar som är: En fenomenologisk studie om ledarskap och dess utveckling i en kommunal organisation2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper has investigated how leadership programs help develop problem solving skills and leadership abilities. The study was conducted in the municipal organization Trollhättans Stad with objective to evaluate Trollhättans Stad's program and its lasting effects. To attempt to measure this, the first two classes to complete the program were chosen to see if the content of the program were put into practice by the participants. To test this, eleven interviews were conducted inspired by a phenomenological approach. The data collected was then analyzed through a two phased process inspired by the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) method. The findings suggest that leadership requires a multifaceted and complex set of skills to succeed. Participants highlight how the program have taught them that understanding the organization in which one works is essential to being an effective leader capable of producing change and develop business. The participants also expressed the value of meeting other managers and being able to discuss leadership issues in an open environment, which further develop their own skills.

  • 14.
    Marciniak, Anna
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Inkluderingsprocesser för nyanlända elever i grundskolan2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    About 100 000 refuges arrive in Sweden each year and almost a quarter of them are school children. The way they are treated affect their future life in Sweden and participation in The Swedish society. The purpose of this study is to highlight and discuss how the newly arrived schoolchildren are included in inclusion and exclusion processes in the Swedish school system, as well as the teachers' part in their inclusion process. The study will also discuss Work Integrated Learning as a working method for operational development and how this method can affect teachers' work. The investigation is a qualitative study. Empirically it includes seven interviews with teachers, from a preparatory class and a regular class year 3. Subsequent empirical evidence also consists of participant observation which I did in the preparatory class and in the regular class.

    The results are presented thematically and show that the newly arrived schoolchildren are included in both inclusion and exclusion processes in the Swedish school system simultaneously. The teachers' act in the inclusion process is central. At the same time the study's empirical evidence show that teachers and management in the school investigation break all the rules for Work Integrated Learning proposes for operational development. It shows that collaboration between teachers from different working groups do not exist.

  • 15.
    Nyman, Katarina
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    One shade of sex: en analys av kön, genus och sexualitet i romanen Fifty shades of Grey2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to examine the discourses on gender and sexuality that are available in the novel Fifty shades of Grey. To answer the purpose, the material was analyzed through a discourse analysis method with a poststructuralist understanding of language as a theoretical base. To be able to identify the discourses, the analysis was structured by the patterns of representations in the text around the concepts of sex, gender and sexuality. In addition, the concept discourse formation was used to be able to see the relations between the found discourses. The analysis shows that three themes of representations make the base in the discourse of gender: bodies and sex, qualities and personalities together with interests and knowledge in the male and female characters that legitimizes each other through fixed relations. The gender discourse interacts with the discourse of sexuality that was found, in a discursive formation that is characterized by the three themes that were found in the gender discourse. The most distinct pattern in the sexuality discourse is the representation of female sexuality as passive. There was also found representations of hegemonic masculinity that supports the subordinate position of the female character and the dominant position of the male character. Apart from these two discourses a heteronormative discourse was found where some patterns appeared, but also some forms of heteronormative disruptions.

  • 16.
    Toghanian, Sara
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Feminint och maskulint ledarskap: En studie av ledare och deras syn på ledarskap ur ett genusperspektiv2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Intresset för denna uppsats väcktes då jag ställde mig frågan hur det kommer sig att de yrkesgrupper kvinnliga chefer dominerar inom är vård, omsorg och socialtjänst medan männen däremot är överrepresenterade t ex. inom byggbranschen, ekonomi, industribranschen och utan tvekan överrepresenterade bland chefer i arbetslivet. Med denna studie vill jag bidra till ökad förståelse för konstruktionen av ledarskap ur ett genusperspektiv. Jag har djupintervjuat fem olika ledare på samma företag om deras upplevelse om ledarskap ur ett genusperspektiv. Därefter har jag undersökt om de upplever någon skillnad mellan kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap. Jag vill även veta om de tycker deras kön påverkar deras roll som ledare. På så vis har jag skapat mig en bild över hur dessa ledare tycker en ledare bör vara, om de tycker att ledarrollen påverkas av kön samt hur de själva gör sig till ledare. Jag har kommit fram till att samhället och arbetslivet är djupt präglad av mannen som norm. Detta har bidragit till att kvinnor anses vara ofullkomliga i jämförelse med mannen och därmed ofullständiga för att kunna vara goda ledare.Vi ser dock nya former av hur ledarskap konstrueras där det maskulina och feminina ledarskapet har hittat nya former. Detta är tydligast inom "nya" organisationer som är kvinnodominerande.

  • 17.
    Wennerberg, Mia M.T.
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg,Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Eriksson, Monica
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Danielson, Ella
    University of Gothenburg,Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Lundgren, Solveig M.
    University of Gothenburg,Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Unravelling Swedish informal caregivers' Generalized Resistance Resources2016In: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, ISSN 0283-9318, E-ISSN 1471-6712, Vol. 30, no 3, p. 602-603Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    BackgroundInterlinked aspects, as demographic changes, accentuation on home-based community care, increase the amount of informal caregivers to older adults. To preserve and enhance their health are subsequently essential and a reoccurring topic on political agendas. How this may be achieved is vividly debated and mainly focused on elimination of risks and stresses associated with caregiving. Within health promotion, the salutogenic approach focusing on resources to health is recognised and this approach was used to acquire necessary knowledge to enhance caregivers' health 'the salutogenic way'.AimTo present Generalised and Specific Resistance Resources (GRRs/SRRs) described by caregivers as stemming from themselves and their carerecipients.MethodologyTo unravel caregivers' GRRs/SRRs, a theory-driven, explorative design guided by definitions of GRRs/SRRs was utilised. Data were collected through salutogenically guided interviews with 32 Swedish caregivers in one municipality. Inductively, data were analysed using content analysis to identify each caregiver's SRRs and thereafter deduction to identify the population's GRRs.FindingsThe synthesis of findings, caregivinghood, encompasses several domains of GRRs seemingly involved in caregivers' movements towards health. In the caregiver domain, 'Being someone significant in my own eyes' unites the essence of having access to GRRs stemming from oneself and 'Being "blessed" with a co-operative co-worker' that of having access to GRRs stemming from the carerecipient. This may be the core in an orientation to life which creates positive life experiences, since it enables caregivers to find a 'fit' between the possible and desired when resolving challenges.Conclusion and implicationsHealth-promoting initiatives should be conducted as partnerships between formal and informal sources due to the versatility of GRRs. It also seems essential to empower both parties so that they may make sense of their situation and use their available GRRs/SRRs in this 'joint venture' of managing. Thereby, their motivation to continue the journey through Caregivinghood may be enhanced.

  • 18.
    Winroth, Jan
    University West, Department of Health Sciences, Health and culture.
    Organisation som arena för hälsofrämjande arbete2015In: Salutogenes: om hälsans ursprung : [från forskning till praktisk tillämpning] / [ed] Eriksson, Monica, Stockholm: Liber, 2015, 1. uppl., p. 126-190Chapter in book (Other academic)
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