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  • 1.
    Axelsson, Lenny
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    A Concept of an Interactive Controlled Vertical Blind2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    One of the most common devices found worldwide in todays society, is the curtain in

    various designs. Different designs which requires different types of physical efforts to be

    used and adjusted to achieve the intended purpose.

    Due to lack of features in a regular vertical blind and its construction, it makes it hard to

    use and apply with normal behaviours of the human. Where the basic idea is based on a

    static design with a parallel relationship between the individual vertical blinds is the

    prototype based on individual movements of the blinds. A static relationship, which

    requires repeated adjustment through the day and the movement of the sun to achieve the

    desirable functionality. However, when the user gets interrupted and distracted for example

    at work repeatedly during a complete day, his or her performance and creativity at work

    will be reduced.

    In this paper I have chosen to focus on the interaction design of the vertical blind and how

    to improve the interaction relationship between it and the user. Also showing how it is

    possible to create solutions for a simple and common unit like a vertical blind, by means of

    interactive models, use cases, technical predictions and a proposal of a future GUI that

    makes it possible to implement the models in a prototype of an embedded system. 

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  • 2.
    de Blanche, Andreas
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Automation and Computer Engineering.
    Namaki, Nima
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Automation and Computer Engineering.
    Mankefors-Christiernin, Stefan
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering. University West, Department of Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Division for Computer Science.
    Multicore Clusters for CFD Simulations: Comparative Study of Three CFD-Softwares2012In: PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONPARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING TECHNIQUES ANDAPPLICATIONS, PART II / [ed] Hamid R. Arabnia, Hiroshi Ishii, Minoru Ito Kazuki Joe, Hiroaki Nishikawa, CSREA Press, 2012, p. 855-852Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Multicore processors have come to stay, fulfill Moore’s law and might very well revolutionize the computer industry. However, we are now in a transitional period before the new programming models, numerical algorithms and general computer architecture have been developed and the software has been rewritten. This paper focuses on the effects multicore based systems have on industrial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The most significant finding was that five of the models ran faster when only one process was executed on each multicore node instead of two. In these cases the execution time was increased by between 6.5% and 64% with a median increase of 10% when utilizing both cores.

  • 3.
    Gellerstedt, Martin
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    A Course Designed for "Non-Traditional Students": Who that Might Be?2015In: Proceedings of the 6th International Multi-Conference onComplexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2015: and the 6th International Multi-Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2015 / [ed] Callaos, N., Hsing-Wei, C., Sánchez, B. & Tremante, A., International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2015, Vol. II, p. 177-181Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The digital era and online education offers new possibilities for distributing higher education to non-traditional students, for instance full-working participants. This article describes experiences based on six years’ experience from an online course designed for non-traditional students. An on-line course in statistics, designed for attracting non-traditional students is used as a case. It is shown that the characteristics of the participants are completely different in comparison to traditional campus students. These differences may be rewarding for teachers and may offer interesting pedagogical opportunities.

  • 4.
    Gellerstedt, Martin
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Work integrated learning and learning integrated work: a love story between academia and working life?2015In: The 21st International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: General Framework and Plenary, Keynote Speakers of the Spring 2015, 2015, Vol. 13 March, p. 5-Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Higher education is perhaps facing the most unprecedented challenges ever. Financial turbulence, high unemployment rates, demographical changes, technological development and increased demands for high competence certainly implies the importance of putting cooperation between academia and working life on top of the agenda.

    The aim with work integrated learning is to enhance learning and prepare for working life by letting knowledge from research go hand in hand with experience based knowledge. This is often discussed in the view of how working life could cross the border into academia. However, a challenge for higher education is to discuss how to cross the border in the opposite direction. How could academia support learning integrated work? How could we foster a new generation of professionals to become boundary crossers, reflective practitioners and be a part of a continuously improved community of practice?

  • 5.
    Gustavsson Christiernin, Linn
    et al.
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Prytz, Jessica
    University West, Department of Economics and IT.
    Evaluation of Interaction with Commercial Educational Games when Used by Children with Autism2010In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice: Software Project Management + Education and Computer Law / [ed] Hamid R. Arabnia, Hassan Reza, Leonidas Deligiannidis, Juan Jose Cuadrado-Gallego, Vincent Schmidt, Ashu M. G. Solo, Las Vegas: CSREA Press , 2010, p. 418-424Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 6.
    Hadi, Yasir
    et al.
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Wisniewski, Damian
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Proposal and evaluation of a smart post box system2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Our thesis work is focusing on usage of wireless technologies in post delivery systems. The technologies that we will investigate are RFID and NFC, we want to present the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies in this development process. We will do that, because of cost measures for the end users. This paper will not include prices for devices and assembling due to huge amount of possibilities. Work will be based on the statistic of the question if the customers want to have NFC based post boxes and those functions that will be available to customers to make it easier and more comfortable to use smart post boxes and which security issues they may cause.

    To promote new technology that will replace an already used one, we will need to convince customers that the change will be worth of making. We will also spend time to figure out how it would be best to make it work for both customers and post companies. We will prove why were most suitable to manage post boxes.

    This document contains information about users' needs and their expectations from the company who would develop it. Surveys that are included in this project are showing clear view to customers requirement. Futhermore this report includes system vision and design how system can be created.

  • 7.
    Hattinger, Monika
    et al.
    University West, Department of Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Division for Mechanical Engineering.
    Christiernin-Gustafsson, Linn
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Eriksson, Kristina M.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Production Engineering. University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Production System.
    Digitizing work: Organizational Work-Integrated Learning through Technology Mediated Courses in Manufacturing Industry2013In: 18th WACE World Conference on Cooperative & Work-Integrated Education: WIL-POWER: FUELING THE FUTURE WORKFORCE, WACE , 2013, p. 1-12Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The manufacturing industry is continuously facing global competition and customer demands which impose the need to knowledge development to manage changes and long-term business goals. Continuous and lifelong learning is often seen as processes that support competence development and learning integrated within work. In this paper we focus on processes of learning within the manufacturing industry and how learning initiatives as technology mediated courses (TMC) can support learning from the workplace learning needs. Is learning initiatives integrated in work considered as means for strategic business goals? Can TMC be an important learning tool for support of knowledge creation? The study is performed through interviews with production managers and human resource managers with eight manufacturing industries in the western part of Sweden. Through the study we try to understand what knowledge the industry needs to evolve and achieve effective production. We also study the readiness for technology mediated learning. Early results show that the industries have interest in learning initiatives such as TMC and are willing to co-produce knowledge together with universities. We present a matrix model that interlinks business goals and the industries current use of technology mediated learning tools. However, the experience of using tools such as web conference systems and learning management systems for learning initiatives is diversified.

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    Digitizing work
  • 8.
    Namaki, Nima
    et al.
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    de Blanche, Andreas
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Mankefors-Christiernin, Stefan
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering. University West, Department of Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Division for Computer Science.
    Exhausted Dominated Performance: Basic Proof of Concept2010In: International conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications / [ed] Hamid R. Arabnia, Las Vegas: CSREA , 2010, p. 63-67Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 9.
    Nielsen, Tobias
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Prestandaanalys av läs- och skrivoperationer mot SAN genererat av virtuella maskiner.2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Ett SAN fungerar som en gemensam delad pool av den totala kapaciteten från ett antal ihopkopplade lagringsenheter. Denna mängd diskutrymme kan dynamiskt tilldelas och om allokeras till datorer på nätverket. Detta öppnar för många fördelar som till exempel backup-lösningar, fildelning, dynamiskt förändringsbara och hanterbara primära aktiva logiska operativsystems partitioner. En annan teknik som har berörts i denna rapport är virtualisering av fysiska datorer. Vilket innebär att man delar in fysiska datorer i flera logiska datorer, då den fysiska datorns resurser fördelas över de logiska maskinerna. Samtliga tester i denna rapport sker baserade på trafik som är genererad av virtuella maskiner mot Högskolan Väst SAN. Dessa tekniker har ökat i popularitet i takt med att priserna på hårdvaran har sjunkit. I denna rapport undersöks ett SAN som används på Högskolan Väst med fokus på prestanda under ett antal olika tester och topologi förändringar. För att avgränsa detta stora ämne kommer rapporten inrikta sig på frågeställningar som:

    Vad är det som sätter begränsningarna i topologin? Kommer prestandan leva upp till den prestandan som leverantören av systemet utlovar?

  • 10.
    Svensson, Jonas
    et al.
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Bergman, Joel
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Utveckling av en metod för att implementera IPv6 i en existerande nätverksmiljö2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report began with the fact that many companies and organizations today do not have any or little knowledge about IPv6 and what it means, nor do they know how to implement it. At the time of writing there were no complete method for how an analysis of a network were done, what was important to think on and which techniques were available.

    To ease future transitions to IPv6, we decided to develop a general method that a user could follow step by step, with instructions for what to think on at each step. The method also gives examples on how the user could do an analysis and examinations, and it eventually leads to a solution based on their needs. The method answers the question "what does a company need to do to be able to implement IPv6 in an already existing network?"

    The transition to IPv6 is happening and many techniques is still in development. To be able to present solutions that work with different needs, research in IP version four, version six and in transfer techniques were done as well.

    A set of transfer techniques was chosen and set up in a lab network where IPv6 functionality was verified. To develop a method that covered most of the common scenarios, the question were discussed with Empir AB, a company that works with IT solutions that hosts their own services. Their network was analyzed and the result was the foundation for the method.

    Since all techniques in the method were tested in the lab network, the IPv6 functionality was verified by testing different services over the network. The tests showed that it was possible to implement IPv6 after a step by step model. The result of this work can be used to initiate and follow through with a transition to IPv6 since the user have a method to follow, recommendations to what needs to be done and proposed solutions that can be implemented after instructions.

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  • 11.
    Svensson, Martin
    et al.
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT.
    Christiernin-Gustafsson, Linn
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    Mankefors-Christiernin, Stefan
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering. University West, Department of Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Division for Computer Science.
    GED: A Graphical Element Diagram: UML for Interface development2010In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2010 / [ed] Hamid R. Arabnia, Hassan Reza, Leonidas Deligiannidis, Juan Jose Cuadrado-Gallego, Vincent Schmidt, Ashu M. G. Solo, Las Vegas: CSREA Press , 2010, p. 38-44Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 12.
    Ulasi, Micheal
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    IP surveillance comparison between a Banana Pi camera system and a Raspberry Pi B+ camera system2015Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report discusses the implementation of IP surveillance technology using a decentralized architecture. The research focuses on the comparison between a Banana Pi camera system and a Raspberry Pi B+ camera system. This implies testing both systems as decentralized camera system. Both Pi camera systems, are running Raspbian OS and on them a CSI camera module is attached, and use their VLC media player application that is configured with HTTP/RTSP protocol to send video streams to clients on the LAN. The configuration uses either CIF and 1080P video resolution with motion and without motion respectively, at different intervals in the experiment.

    Information obtained from the research analyzes, revealed that the Raspberry Pi B+ is most suitable as a decentralized camera system than the Banana Pi is. It was possible for the Banana Pi to stream video using HTTP protocol and 1080P resolution with motion and without motion, but it could not use RSTP protocol and CIF resolution. Furthermore, the system crashed whenever the number of remote video streams on the Banana Pi were above than one connection. Although, during this one connection, the CPU usage was 100% and the memory usage was above 200MB. The bandwidth consumption was low, and the video quality was acceptable.The Raspberry Pie B+, processed most remote video streams and had most acceptable video qualities during the use of CIF resolution with motion and without motion, in contrast with use of 1080P with motion and without motion.

    Results also indicated that the Raspberry Pi B+ performed best with the use of CIF without motion, because it served all 50 remote video streams with 33.5% CPU usage. The Raspberry Pi B+, demonstrated poor performance during the 1080P with motion because it served just five remote video streams with 28.8% CPU usage. In overall, the bandwidth and memory usage increased simultaneously on the Raspberry Pi B+ as the number of remote video streams it served increased.

  • 13.
    Wissmach, Toni
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    USB 3 jämfört med 2.0: En jämförande studie om bulköverföringar2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Fokuset i denna studie ligger huvudsakligen på en av de fyra överföringstyper som USB 2 och 3 använder sig av, bulköverföringar. Från den valda typen av överföring kommer tider och hastighet mätas i tolv testfall. Alla testfall delas in i två grupper ett där mätningarna genomförs under tiden media strömmas ifrån en annan USB-enhet för att belasta USB-bussen. Och ett annat där bussen är obelastat. Värden visas och jämförs sedan med hjälp av grafer och histogram där medelvärden, standardavvikelser samt variationskoefficienten har tagits fram.

    Resultatet i denna studie visar att USB 3 en högre variationskoefficient i vissa lägen. Mätvärden visar att USB 3 har ett lägre variationskoefficientvärde när testdatan består av många små filer än vad det gör för USB 2. Dock ökar variationskoefficienten för USB 3 när filstorleken blir större jämfört med USB 2 som påvisar en sjunkande variationskoefficient.

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  • 14.
    Österberg, Per
    University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Computer Engineering.
    A comparison between NS-2 and reality utilizing on queuing disciplines2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Eftersom dagens olika datornätverk växer sig större och mer komplexa har möjligheten att testa ny nätverksfunktionalitet försvårats. Detta har gjort att simulation har blivit populärt ibland utvecklare och forskare inom nätverksområdet. Nätverkssimulatorn NS-2 är en populär simulator som används flitigt av forskare och utvecklare runt om i världen. Men kan vi lita på att NS-2 simulatorns funktionalitet stämmer överens med verklighetens?Denna studie undersöker hur väl ett scenario i NS-2 simulatorn stämmer överens med ett verkligt scenario av samma typ. Vi har använt oss av ett topologi med en flaskhals där vi har testat tre olika kösystem på den strypta länken: Fair queuing, Random early detection och First in first out med Drop Tail. Genom flaskhalsen har vi skickat en UDP ström tillsammans med olika typer av trafik och mätt påverkan på UDP strömmen i form av tappade paket och genomströmning. Resultatet ifrån NS-2 simulatorn är sedan jämnfört med resultat ifrån samma scenario uppsatt i verkligheten.

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