A large part of the population on earth uses the Internet to surf to different webpages each
day. HTTP is used when a webpage is downloaded from the webserver to the client's web
browser. The web is not the same today as it was when it arrived and became popular in
the 1990s. Today the webpages contain more objects, which means that more resources
need to be downloaded and that increases the page load times.
Google started a project where they developed SPDY. It is an application protocol that was
developed because Google wanted to try to get shorter page load times.
The purpose of this work is to compare SPDY with HTTPS and HTTP to see if the web
can be made faster with SPDY and in which cases it will be faster. Measurements on page
load times are first made on a webpage taken from the Internet that has been uploaded on
our webservers in the lab environment. Different bandwidths and latencies are being used
in the tests. After that more tests are being done on synthetic test pages where the number
of objects and object size are varied. Finally the effect of packet loss is tested on the protocols.
The results from the measurements show that at low latencies there is not much difference
between the protocols but as the latency increase SPDY is getting shorter page load times
than HTTPS and HTTP. The page load times for SPDY is shorter than the other protocols
as the number of objects increase. There was not much difference between the protocols
when the object size was 400KB regardless the number of objects. Packet loss affected
SPDY harder than the other protocols. The impact was bigger at higher latencies than at
lower. At 3% packet loss the page load times was longer for SPDY than the other protocols