The research topic for this presentation is evaluation of children's everyday lives in fritidshem. Through observations of daily practice and interviews with teachers I try to find answers in how childrThe research topic for this presentation is evaluation of children's everyday lives in fritidshem. Through observations of daily practice and interviews with teachers I try to find answers in how children's leisure can be evaluated where children's perspectives are a one part and the conditions teachers have is another part in relation to what they are able to achieve in their work. This project is part of a post.doc project in work integrated learning at University West with an ambition to construct knowledge together with the practice. In Swedish fritidshem, evaluation has a tradition of local planning and evaluation, meaning that the evaluation is done to visualize and develop their own work in the staff group. But since educational reforms and new quality systems, evaluation often is seen as control from someone else. There is also a national interest with the school inspectorate who evaluates achievement of objectives in fritidshem. Swedish fritidshem has since the entrance into the educational system had strengthen policy in relation to learning, development and quality. Under the same period of time the structural resources for fritidshem has dropped. Consequently, my interest is to develop a model that depart from what teachers in fritidshem already do in relation to local aspects, and together with teachers in a work integrated learning approach construct knowledge about evaluation. This work will depart from children's perspectives and teachers daily work in fritidshem. Theoretical framework for this project is sociology of childhood where children's perspective, their participation and influence in their everyday lives are recognized. The theory also emphasizes children as important actors in their everyday lives and the decisions around them. The study is conducted in a research project about children's leisure in Swedish school-age educare. One part of the project has an ambition to together with teachers develop a model. The model is based on observations of daily practice in 12 settings and group interviews with 12 different work teams. With help from grounded theory the data analyse intends to construct a theory of evaluation based on empirical research. This include, steps of coding, sorting memos and defining categories. Preliminary findings highlight teachers dialogue and are themed as: Continually dialogue between teachers and children, Circle-time, Staffs common reflection, Multimodal evaluations and Observations, interviews, sociograms and surveys (tools). These early findings will be followed up this spring with the participants in a dialogue. Relevance to Nordic educational research: in a system for evaluation of quality as achievement of objectives connected to teaching and learning some parts of fritidshemmet is not evaluated. Fritidshem has a wide mission in the society where children's wellbeing, care, and meaningful leisure has to be considered. These parts are not evaluated in today's quality methods, that's why a new model is constructed. en's leisure can be evaluated where children's perspectives are a one part and the conditions teachers have is another part in relation to what they are able to achieve in their work. This project is part of a post.doc project in work integrated learning at University West with an ambition to construct knowledge together with the practice. In Swedish fritidshem, evaluation has a tradition of local planning and evaluation, meaning that the evaluation is done to visualize and develop their own work in the staff group. But since educational reforms and new quality systems, evaluation often is seen as control from someone else. There is also a national interest with the school inspectorate who evaluates achievement of objectives in fritidshem. Swedish fritidshem has since the entrance into the educational system had strengthen policy in relation to learning, development and quality. Under the same period of time the structural resources for fritidshem has dropped. Consequently, my interest is to develop a model that depart from what teachers in fritidshem already do in relation to local aspects, and together with teachers in a work integrated learning approach construct knowledge about evaluation. This work will depart from children's perspectives and teachers daily work in fritidshem. Theoretical framework for this project is sociology of childhood where children's perspective, their participation and influence in their everyday lives are recognized. The theory also emphasizes children as important actors in their everyday lives and the decisions around them. The study is conducted in a research project about children's leisure in Swedish school-age educare. One part of the project has an ambition to together with teachers develop a model. The model is based on observations of daily practice in 12 settings and group interviews with 12 different work teams. With help from grounded theory the data analyse intends to construct a theory of evaluation based on empirical research. This include, steps of coding, sorting memos and defining categories. Preliminary findings highlight teachers dialogue and are themed as: Continually dialogue between teachers and children, Circle-time, Staffs common reflection, Multimodal evaluations and Observations, interviews, sociograms and surveys (tools). These early findings will be followed up this spring with the participants in a dialogue. Relevance to Nordic educational research: in a system for evaluation of quality as achievement of objectives connected to teaching and learning some parts of fritidshemmet is not evaluated. Fritidshem has a wide mission in the society where children's wellbeing, care, and meaningful leisure has to be considered. These parts are not evaluated in today's quality methods, that's why a new model is constructed.