Since May 2009, during the first two years with the new rules which allows formation of condominiums inSweden, 394 condominiums in 24 separate projects have been formed.
According to the Swedish law a condominium is a property unit. In approximately 20 % of the projects the property units have been formed before the building was built. This possibility is good for financing but can lead to differences between the borders of the property unit and the final building construction. To make a property formation order and not to conclude the cadastral procedure until the building is in place and the final drawings are made is a good way for the cadastral authority to keep control of the final result.
Usually there is just one party in the condominium cadastral procedure. This means that it will not be any appeals and no precedents will be formed. Therefore there are requirements for a high standard on the recommendations regarding how to form condominiums.
In some condominium projects the building construction has been adapted to give less need for the condominium owners to cooperate with the joint property association.
There are recommendations which states that windows, exterior doors and balcony parapets should be a part of the condominium, but they can additionally be a part of the joint facility. Some of the practical solutions in the dossiers regarding joint facilities do not, according to the author, follow the intentions of the legislator. Better recommendations are needed in this area and enhancements are proposed in the thesis.
The participatory share for each condominium has been set either with the same share per apartment or by some different models in relation to the apartments floor area. It has not been possible to explain the choice with the spread between the apartments floor area.
According to the law the joint property association in these cases must set aside funds in a reserve. The amount of money that initially is noted in the articles of the association differs between the condominium projects, and is either based on a proposal from the developer, calculated as 0,3 % of the construction costs or just arbitrary decided.