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  • 1.
    Abdulhasan, Zaid
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Mathematics, Computer and Surveying Engineering.
    Al-Zurbatee, Hawraa
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Mathematics, Computer and Surveying Engineering.
    Drönarens utvecklingsmöjligheter tillkostnadseffektiv kartframställning2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) or drone as it is called in modern day language, is an unmanned aircraft. The first time it has been used was in the military. During the past years, the use of UAS has been more common. It is because of this engineering that the collection of data is possible. The drones themselves are equipped with cameras. The collection of data happens when the cameras take pictures on top of the ground level during the flight.The aim of this study is to find pros and cons about UAS photography during map making and tofind out if this engineering could replace or complement the traditional way of map making. The RMS value (also known as Root Mean Square value) varies between different screening and that could be due to different factors. Some of the factors could be what type of ground it is, asphalt and gravel, flight height, or one could investigate which type and size of support dots that has been used, the weather and so on. The two last examples could affect the precision of the measurements. The result of this study is that UAS-photography could replace or complement the traditional mapmaking methods. This study has through different scientific articles and earlier studies with the help of UAS photography been able to make map making more effective. The total time for these measurements were very short compared to the traditional measurements. This could bring a faster map making via UAS-photography. The precision in the experiment has been approved by the HMK-recommendations that are 5 centimeters

  • 2.
    Andersson, Thomas
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Studie av nyblivna skogsägares värdering vid köp av sina fastigheter2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta examensjobb handlar om skogsköparens resonemang och värderingsåsikter om sin köpta skogsfastighet. Jag har tagit reda på hur köparna resonerar med hjälp av intervjuer gjorda via telefon. Utbildningen jag gått är lantmäteriingenjörsprogrammet (120p) på högskolan i Trollhättan. Genom att sammanställa alla intervjuer och dra slutsatser av dessa hoppas jag kunna bidra till förståelse för vad man tycker är viktigt som skogsköpare i västra Götaland. Resultaten hoppas jag ska kunna få en praktisk betydelse för arbetet med värdering och försäljning/köp av rena skogsfastigheter.

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  • 3.
    Carlsson, Ida
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Jämförelsestudie mellan digitala terrängmodeller av en bergyta framställda med TLS och med UAS-laserskanning2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Digital terrain models (DTM) of rock surfaces are important for, among other things, volume calculation, safety planning and rock blasting. DTM can be created from point clouds produced with terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) or unmanned vehicles (UAS) equipped with laser scanners. TLS is an older and more established method while UAS laser scanning for topographic purposes is newer. A source of error with TLS as a method for scanning rock surfaces is that it cannot scan the entire rock surface due to shadow zones being formed as the scan can only take place below the mountain. UAS laser scanning has the ability to scan a rock surface from different heights and angles, which might create a better point cloud.

    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate TLS and UAS laser scanning as a method for scanning a rock surface in quarries and try to account for the differences in quality of DTM and point clouds from the different methods. The study was done in collaboration with the company Bohus Bergsprängning AB. A rock surface located in a quarry three miles south of Uddevalla was scanned with TLS and UAS laser scanning and then DTM was created from each point cloud. DTM was created and compared in Trimble RealWorks.

    The result of georeferencing the point clouds from the different methods showed that the point cloud from TLS achieved an uncertainty of 3.884 mm while the UAS laser scan had an accuracy of 61.023 mm. DTM was created with a point spacing of 0.1 m. DTM contained large holes where point density was too poor, especially DTM from the UAS laser scan contained large and many holes due to poor point cloud. The comparison of the models showed a difference between -1.277 m and 1.637 m on the rock face and between -0.268 and 0.557 on the top surface.

    The result of this study shows that TLS is the method that creates a DTM of a rock surface with the lowest uncertainty in georeferencing and the densest point cloud. Further studies in the field should be done to create a nuanced comparison between TLS and UAS laser scanning. The result of this study should be seen as a comparison between a worse point cloud from UAS laser scanning and a better point cloud with low uncertainty from TLS.

  • 4.
    Carlsson, Sara
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Lokalisering av de mest ändamålsenligaplatserna för bostadsexploatering i Uddevalla centrum med avseende på översvämningsrisk: Med hjälp av spatiala data och multikriterieanalys2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Uddevalla centrum är beläget intill Bäveån och omges av berg och faktorer såsom höjda vattennivåer och dålig dränering har gett upphov till flera översvämningar i stadskärnan. Syftet med studien var att hitta de lämpligaste platserna i Uddevalla centrum för framtida bostadsexploatering med avseende på översvämningsrisk. Metoden som användes är multikriterieanalys vilken innebär att flera kriterier kan vägas samman till ett resultat. Två separata multikriterieanalyser genomfördes för att först ta fram en karta över översvämningsrisken och sedan en lämplighetskarta för bostadsexploateringslämpligheten. Den programvara som användes var huvudsakligen ArcMap 10.8 och GIS-data inhämtadesfrån bland annat Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) och Lantmäteriet. Datan användes för att skapa både begränsnings- och faktorkartor vilka sedan kunde kombineras till ett resultat. Liknande studier har gjorts på andra platser tidigare och mycket information finns därmed tillgänglig både med avseende på översvämningsriskkartering och lämplighetsbedömning för bostadsplanering. Vid genomförande av analysen fick samtligafaktorkriterier vikter vilket gjordes med hjälp av metoden Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) och rangordning enligt tidigare studier och efter att resultatet tagits fram genomfördesen sensitivitetsanalys med hjälp av metoden ”One-at-a-time” (OAT) för att validera det. Studien har stor betydelse för framtida samhällsplanering i Uddevalla centrum då områden vilka löper stor risk för översvämning kan undvikas för planering av bebyggelse. Resultaten från denna studie kan också tillämpas på andra områden och bidra med kunskap till framtida studier inom fältet. Hänsyn måste dock tas till faktorer såsom val och rangordning, kriterier och klassintervall i och med att sådana faktorer kan ha betydelse för osäkerheter i resultatet. 

    Nyckelord: Multikriterieanalys, översvämningsrisk, bostadsexploatering, GIS-data, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), sensitivitetsanalys, OAT

  • 5.
    Eklund, Josefin
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Kjörk, Ida
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Rättigheter för ledningar: en studie av upplåtelseformer för ledningar i Göteborgs Stad2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this thesis is to expand our knowledge of way-leave and other forms of tenures for conduits and to study how they are adopted in practice. By way of introduction the various forms of tenures; easement, way-leave and different types of usufructs are described. Easement and way-leave are forms of tenures not limited in time, whereas usufructs as leaseholds are limited to longer or shorter periods. This part of the thesis is concluded by a short summary describing the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of tenure seen from the perspective of the landowner and that of the owner of the conduit. This is followed by a part showing which interests are guarded by the different parties and which form of tenure they prefer. This part is based on interviews with nine representatives from different companies and committees in Gothenburg. Some of the agreements that are in use are also described. During the interviews it became clear that the owner of the conduits main interests lie in reaching agreements that guarantee a long term legal protection at a low-cost and thus they see the advantages of way-leave. Despite this, way-leave is seldom used regarding land owned by the City of Gothenburg since the companies prefer to avoid tenure with compulsory elements. Furthermore the municipality is generally negative towards locking land by allowing rights unlimited in time. The municipality offers usufruct agreements as an alternative. How those are worked out in detail is negotiable and differs from case to case. Even though agreements are often reached they are always compromises. In some exceptional cases agreements have not been established as the parties have been too far apart. Therefore we have come to the conclusion that there is a need for new legislation. There is presently no cross between usufructs, wholly based on voluntary agreements, and way-leave which, in its present form, is problematic since it gives advantages to one on the expense of the other.

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  • 6.
    Gustafsson, Jonas
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Rättslig reglering av enskilda vägar med fokus på kostnadsansvarets utformning och tillämpning2010Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    De enskilda vägarna utgör ungefär 75 % av alla vägar i Sverige och 60 % av landets gemensamhetsanläggningarinnehåller vägar. Drift och underhållskostnader för enskilda vägar fördelasgenom att de deltagande fastigheterna har andelstal i gemensamhetsanläggningen.Syftet med rapporten har varit att undersöka hur kostnadsfördelningen i samfällighetsföreningarför vägändamål fungerar i teorin och i praktiken.En litteraturstudie ligger till grund för teoridelen i avsnitt 2 och 3 där tidigare och nuvarandelagstiftning beskrivs. Fokus har lagts på frågor som rör enskilda vägar och kostnader, ersättningarsamt ändrade förhållanden för dessa. Ett antal samfällighetsföreningar för vägändamålhar undersökts och kontaktats för att få reda på hur de ser på systemet för kostnadsfördelningoch hur det fungerar.Resultatet av arbetet visar att de undersökta föreningarna anser att systemet för att fördelakostnader fungerar bra och i allmänhet anses som rättvist. I hälften av föreningarna hadeförutsättningarna ändrats på sätt som gjorde att andelstalen ändrades. Oftast var det pågrund av ändrad användning av fastigheter eller ändrad fastighetsindelning.Endast i ett fåtal fall hade föreningarna haft problem med utebliven betalning från medlemmarna.

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  • 7.
    Hellqvist, Emilia
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Sandoval Palma, Vanessa
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Detektera deformationer på träbyggnader med hjälp av terrester laserskanning: En metodstudie på Slåttagården, Delsbo2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Slåttagården i Delsbo är en kulturminnesklassificerad hälsingegård där bebyggelsen står på lerjord vilken är ostabilt och riskerar därför att byggnaderna utsätts för deformationer. För att bevara kulturarvet och för att i framtiden kunna bevara liknande byggnationer med träfasader, undersöks hur deformationer kan upptäckas på träfasader med hjälp av terrester laserskanning. Som metod för att detektera deformationer används olika jämförelsemetoder som punkt till punkt, punktmoln till punktmoln (C2C) och punktmoln till modell. Vårundersökning indikerar på att en förändring kan ha skett och att huset troligen är deformeratsedan byggnationen av huset. Vad som hänt mellan epokerna 2017 och 2023 är ovisst då enpunktmolnsjämförelse mellan dessa epoker visar för små differenser. Inga definitiva slutsatser kan dras om vad differenserna i punktmolnen visar på grund av de sammantagna osäkerheterna i metoden. Det som kan konstateras är att både referensnätet ochgeorefereringen har en väsentlig betydelse för om deformationer kan upptäckas samt att det är viktigt att inte förväxla mätosäkerhet i någon form med verkliga deformationer. För att på bästa sätt upptäcka deformationer på träfasader genom punktmolnsjämförelse behöver ytterligare och mer omfattande studier genomföras för att kunna justera för osäkerheterna ibland annat fasadens ojämna yta, men även för att säkerställa att de sammantagna mätosäkerheterna blir lägre än de storlekar på förändringar som ska analyseras. Ett ytterligarekonstaterande är att med hjälp av kontrollpunkter mätta med totalstation på fönsterdetaljer har en sannolik förändring upptäckts som skett över tid sedan uppförandet av Slåttagården, då våra mätningar antyder på att byggnaden både lutar och skevar. 

  • 8.
    Holmstrand, Alex
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Mathematics, Computer and Surveying Engineering.
    Blomster, Adam
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Mathematics, Computer and Surveying Engineering.
    Samråd eller oråd: Samrådsförförandet vid fastighetsbildning inom strandskyddatområde2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The National Land Survey is responsible for the country's property division, which means that the National Land Survey has the right to decide on property law issues and the division of the country's property portfolio. In the handling of ordinances, the surveyor must in many cases take into account the interests of other authorities in the matter in question.

    Shoreland protection has a great public interest, the aim of which is to ensure the conditions for the public's outdoor life and to preserve good living conditions on land and in water for animal and plant life. The municipalities have been given overall responsibility for shoreland protection on a delegation from the county administrative board. This has given municipalities the right to decide on exemptions or suspensions of shoreland protection. Despite a mandate to make decisions regarding shoreland protection, the county administrative board monitors these decisions with the right to appeal against them. The National Land Survey's work on matters in the shoreland protected area is therefore closely monitored by several athoritys.

    Between 2010 and 2017, there was a document called the Green Booklet, which could be seen as a handbook for the surveyors for property formation in the shoreland protected area. This document was replaced in 2018 with another document called Modernised working method between the surveying authorities and the county administrative boards, in hope that the consultation process between the authorities would be more efficient and legally secure. The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether the new way of working has affected the consultation process. This has been done through literature studies and interviews with people with relevant backgrounds in the subject with experience of consultations regarding shoreland protected areas.

    The literature studies clearly show that the documents differ in content and design. The Green Booklet cite examples and concretely address various problems, which are useful to the surveyors in their assessment of whether a consultation is relevant. The fact that Modernised working methods between the surveying authorities and the county administrative boards would replace the Green Booklet gives a skewed picture of expectations of the content of the new way of working. Where the emphasis is on the formality of a consultation request, without any examples of when consultation is deemed necessary. Which is what several of the interviewees have asked for. 

    The purpose of the new way of working was to have a uniform way of working throughout Sweden. This would mean that a surveyor from the southern parts of the country would be able to deal with a case in the north of the country, without the consultation procedure being different. What we have found in this report is that the new way of working has not met these expectations.

  • 9.
    Ingelman-Sundberg, Simon
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Mishal Salem, Ali
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Transformation av stomnät till SWEREF 99: Fallstudie Norra Vätö, Norrtälje kommun 2010Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    During the last century different coordination systems have been used in Sweden. Today a common coordination system (SWEREF 99) is used.

    In the municipality of Norrtälje, core networks are listed in different coordination systems that are generated from different earlier missions. These networks normally have poor orientation in the known coordination system; however, the internal accuracy is used to be good.

    In this study, some of the core networks have been selected to be converted to SWEREF 99 18 00. The conversion has been done by measuring points using the GNSS technology, the measured points were then used to transfer the core network to SWEREF 99 18 00. This means that in the future, staking out a building in the area can be performed solely by GNSS technology. The chosen core networks are located on a part of the island Vätö in the municipality of Norrtälje.

    The GNSS equipment used to measure the points with was the Leica 1203 RTK network. The selected points were measured on two occasions with a gap between the occasions of at least 45 minutes. Ten repeated measurements have been done on each point to increase the accuracy. The average of these twenty measurements has been used for conversion.

    After the measuring process, the transformation has been done from three different off-systems to SWEREF 99 18 00. The three off-systems were RT 38 2.5 gon V, RT R09 0 gon and a local 1000/1000-system. Since the areas listed in the RT 38 were poorly oriented towards each others, poor accuracy was achieved during the transformation of the entire RT 38 field at once. Therefore, the RT 38 area has been divided into a number of transformations-areas.

    When the transformation had been done, control measurements were made on a Rix 95-Point entitled Klockarängsberget (Rix 95-point numbers: 119 741) located on the southern part of Vätö. In addition, control measurements were made of housing estate border area, where the border points were uncertain.

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  • 10.
    Karlsson, Kamilla
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Olsson, Johannes
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Finns det behov av att införa blandat huvudmannaskap i detaljplaner?2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta arbete går ut på att undersöka om det finns ett behov av att kunna blanda huvudmannaskapet i detaljplaner. I PBL-kommitténs slutbetänkande har man tagit upp frågan för att man anser att plan- och bygglagen inte efterföljs på det sätt som tanken var när den inrättades. Genom vår uppdragsgivare GF konsult AB kom vi i kontakt med ett antal kommuner som visade sitt intresse i frågan. Utifrån de problem som framgår av slutbetänkandet har vi sammanställt ett antal frågor som vi har använt oss av när vi har intervjuat kommunerna. Efter att ha genomfört intervjuerna och gjort en sammanställning av de svar vi fick har vi kommit fram till att de största problemen med huvudmannaskapsfrågan uppstår när en kommun lägger ut allmän plats med enskilt huvudmannaskap. T ex får kommunerna ofta problem med skötsel av naturområden då det inte finns någon som har ansvaret för detta eftersom samfällighetsföreningarna ofta endast ansvarar för vägar och ibland kan det vara svårt att säkerställa allmänhetens tillgång till ett område då man i detaljplanen har lagt ut marken som gx-område. Till följd av dessa problem så var kommunerna överlag positivt inställda till en ändring av lagen som skulle innebära blandat huvudmannaskap.

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  • 11.
    Karlsson, Karin
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    UAS-fotogrammetri för kustnära djupmätning: Göteborgs södra skärgård2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of drone flight altitude and data format on the point cloud and digital bathymetric model in two areas of the southern archipelago of Gothenburg. Two areas were selected for this study: one located on the northern side of Fotö with an approximate area of 0.080 km2, and another situated on the western side of Hönö with an approximate area of 0.180 km2. To examine the impact, bathymetric measurements were conducted using multibeam echo sounders, alongside data collection using a drone. Three different flight altitudes and two camera modes (2D and 3D) of the drone were investigated. The number of ground control points (GCP) was also examined. Five different flight missions were planned and executed, involving varying flight altitudes, camera modes and number of GCPs. A boat-based survey was conducted in each area. The Pix4D Mapper software was utilizing with two different calibration modes to assess their influence on the point cloud and digital bathymetric model. The findings revealed that a flight altitude of 70 m was optimal for the two selected areas with the employed equipment. The 3D camera mode and the “accurate geolocation and orientation” calibration mode resulted in the best quality point cloud and digital bathymetric model. Using this methodology and equipment, UAS photogrammetry can be employed for measuring depths of up to 1.5 m.

  • 12.
    Karlsson, Linda
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Siverbo, Pernilla
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Ny strandskyddslag: en generell metod för att utse områden för lättnader i strandskyddet på landsbygden2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    En ny strandskyddslag träder i kraft den 1 juli 2009. Anledningen till att ett nytt lagförslag har vuxit fram är att det har ansetts finnas brister i nuvarande strandskyddsregler och det har medfört att dagens regler är på väg att urholkas. Stränderna vid kusten och runt de större sjöarna kommer att få ett förstärkt skydd medan lättnader i strandskyddet kan bli aktuellt vid sjöar på landsbygden. Den nya lagen möjliggör en ökad samordning av miljöbalken och plan- och bygglagen genom att kommunerna kommer att få ansvar för upphävande och dispens från strandskyddet vilket gör att strandskyddsfrågorna blir en naturlig del av den kommunala samhällsplaneringen. Kommunerna ska dessutom i sin översiktsplan utse områden som kommer att bli aktuella för lättnader i strandskyddet på landsbygden. I dagsläget finns ingen vägledning om hur kommunerna ska gå tillväga vid framtagandet av områden. I detta arbete ges ett förslag till en generell metod som kommunerna kan använda sig av för att få fram områden som kan bli aktuella för lättnader i strandskyddet på landsbygden. Metoden består av en översiktlig analys och en fördjupad analys som inom sig rymmer ett flertal kriterier. Metoden tillämpas på Tanums kommun som i stor utsträckning påverkas av den nya lagstiftningen.

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  • 13.
    Karlsson, Per Rune
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Reglering av enskilt och gemensamt vid ägarlägenhetsförrättningar: En analys av de två första årens praktiska tillämpning2011Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Since May 2009, during the first two years with the new rules which allows formation of condominiums inSweden, 394 condominiums in 24 separate projects have been formed.

    According to the Swedish law a condominium is a property unit. In approximately 20 % of the projects the property units have been formed before the building was built. This possi­bility is good for financing but can lead to differences between the borders of the property unit and the final building construction. To make a property formation order and not to conclude the cadastral procedure until the building is in place and the final drawings are made is a good way for the cadastral authority to keep control of the final result.

    Usually there is just one party in the condominium cadastral procedure. This means that it will not be any appeals and no precedents will be formed. Therefore there are requirements for a high standard on the recommendations regarding how to form condominiums.

    In some condominium projects the building construction has been adapted to give less need for the condominium owners to cooperate with the joint property association.

    There are recommendations which states that windows, exterior doors and balcony parapets should be a part of the condominium, but they can additionally be a part of the joint facility. Some of the practical solutions in the dossiers regarding joint facilities do not, according to the author, follow the intentions of the legislator. Better recommendations are needed in this area and enhancements are proposed in the thesis.

    The participatory share for each condominium has been set either with the same share per apartment or by some different models in relation to the apartments floor area. It has not been possible to explain the choice with the spread between the apartments floor area.

    According to the law the joint property association in these cases must set aside funds in a reserve. The amount of money that initially is noted in the articles of  the association differs between the condominium projects, and is either based on a proposal from the developer, calculated as 0,3 % of the construction costs or just arbitrary decided.

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    Reglering av enskilt och gemensamt vid ägarlägenhetsförrättningar
  • 14.
    Melin, Linda
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Marthinsson, Malin
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    En studie om att förbättra registerkartan med mätning och transformation2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi har gjort en studie om hur vi kan förbättra registerkartan med hjälp av mätning med GPS och transformation i området Tobyn i Årjängs kommun. Arbetet innehåller fastighetsbildning förr i tiden och även om hur fastighetsbildning går till i dag. Vidare har vi skrivit om olika mätningsmetoder och fakta om GPS-systemet, exempelvis NRTK, fasmätning, absolutmätning och kort om olika transformationsmetoder. Vi har också skrivit om hur vi gick tillväga när vi först mätte och sedan transformerade. Till detta har vi olika bilagor med jämförelse mellan inmätta och transformerade punkter och kartor som visar hur mycket som skilde mellan transformerade gränser och den befintliga registerkartan. Det finns också en bilaga med flygbild över Tobyn som visar något av hur mätförhållandena är. Vår slutsats är att det gick väldigt smidigt att mäta och transformera och tidsåtgången var inte så stor. Det skilde upp till 75 centimeter mellan transformerad och inmätt punkt på vissa ställen. De största avvikelserna fanns i utkanterna av området Tobyn.

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  • 15.
    Odby, Christina
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Tobiasson, Margaretha
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    En kartläggning av befintliga och planerade vindkraftverk i Västra Götaland2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Vårt examensarbete är ett arbete vi gjort åt Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland och syftar till att kartlägga befintlig och planerad vindkraft i länets 49 kommuner. Västra Götaland är det län som har den största ökningen av antal verk i landet. Syftet med denna rapport är att ge länsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland en bättre översikt av vindkraftsläget i länet. Energimyndigheten gör en liknande kartläggning av hela Sverige och vi har fått i uppgift att förmedla den information vi samlat in även till dem. I och med att energimyndigheten föreslagit regeringen nytt planeringsmål att öka vindkraftsproduktionen från idag 1,99 TWh till 30 TWh år 2020 ger man tydliga riktlinjer på hur man ska satsa på vindkraften i framtiden. Den svenska politiken styrs också av EUbeslut där mål för förnybara energikällor utgör en stor del. Kartläggningen ligger också i linje med det nya EU-direktivet Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe 2007 (INSPIRE) som syftar till att öka tillgängligheten av geografisk information för allmänheten och även mellan myndigheter. I vår kartläggning har vi gjort en enkät till kommunerna där vi bland annat fick uppgifter om koordinater, fastighetsbeteckning och vilket ansökningsskede de olika verken befinner sig i. Resultatet på detta presenteras i rapporten. Vi kan idag redovisa för 287 befintliga verk och cirka 1450 planerade vindkraftverk i länet. Eftersom vi inte har fått fullständig information från alla kommuner ännu så är undersökningen inte ännu komplett. Arbetet med detta kommer att fortsätta hos Länsstyrelsen, Västra Götaland.

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  • 16.
    Parianos, Andreas
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Dahlqvist, Tobias
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    En utredning av tekniken "mobile mapping" i kommunal verksamhet2010Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis work is intended to analyze whether the municipalities has a need for the new technology of mobile mapping.

    Mobile mapping consists of the technologies of laser scanning, photographing and positioning of streets and roads in city environment and in the countryside. When these technologies are operating together a georeferenced three-dimensional image model is created, which has specific coordinates that states its position on the surface of the earth. Thanks to the laser scanning process even measuring can be performed in this model.

    The municipal sector consists of many different departments which use visual spatial information. These departments are an interesting target group for this system. Specific departments within the municipal sector, which we considered were the most suitable, have been selected. Individuals within these departments have replied to a questionnaire where several statements were given. The statements are constructed so that the replies that are received as much as possible describe the need for this new technology. In addition to the questionnaire a number of telephone- and in-depth interviews have been done in purpose of creating a basis which is as solid as possible.

    The results that have been obtained indicate that there is a rather considerable demand for the technology. The majority of the asked professions have given replies which hint that they would appreciate visual measurable spatial information in accurate and detailed 3D-models. The telephone interviews have pointed in this direction as well.

    Since a municipality is organized of a large number of departments which each have a need for the technology, a reference can be made to the expression “many a little makes a mickle”. In other words, the municipal need for the technology is considerable since many different units find their own uses for mobile mapping.

    We have after this investigation obtained a result which implies that mobile mapping would be a good investment for the municipal sector.

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  • 17.
    Saldert, Hannah
    University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Urban Planing and Development.
    Kortsiktig byggbudget ger segregerat boende: Forskarkommentar2023In: Forskning & Framsteg, E-ISSN 2002-5076Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 18.
    Steen, Josefin
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Svensson, Tobias
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Kartläggning av invasiv trädart med satellitbaserad fjärranalys: Klassificering och identifiering av Pinus Contorta2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Invasive plants are an increasing problem in society and pose a major threat to our ecosystem, infrastructure, health and biodiversity. The high cost of controlling the spread of invasive plants is a fact and modern satellites can provide the data needed to map the presence of these invasive plant species. Previous studies for mapping invasive plants have used classification methods such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) and texture analysis algorithms. Information on whether more simple classification methods can be used to perform a similar classification of vegetation is limited. Likewise, studies for mapping only the invasive tree species Pinus contorta. This study relies on the use of both pixel-based and object-based classifications to identify and classify the contorta pine. Which form of classification method is appropriate varies as all plants have different spatial and spectral characteristics. A method that works for classifying one species does not necessarily mean that it will be applicable to another species. The data used in the study are satellite images from 2018 collected by Sentinel-2 with a resolution of 10 x 10 meters. The data was then processed in ArcMap 10.8 software during all stages of the analysis. Four different forms of classification were performed to find the most appropriate method for classifying the contorta pine. The classification results were validated against the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) raster map of contorta stands in the selected study area located north of Härnösand and showed inconclusive results. Each classification was compared to SLU's mapping and with the help of a critical success index (CSI) that shows the performance of the classification model successful hits (A), overestimated (B) and miss (C), the results could be more easily analyzed and interpreted. The methods used in the classification model of Pinus contorta showed 0.5-0.9% correct classification. 

  • 19.
    Strandelin, Jeanette
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Bostadsrätten och ägarlägenheten: en jämförande studie2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 20.
    Tannerfalk, Jakob
    University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Land Surveying and Mathematics.
    Landsbygdsprogrammet 2007-2013: en jämförelsestudie av genomförandet under åren 2007-2009 avseende infrastruktur (åtgärdskod 125)2010Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this comparison study regarding infrastructure (action code 125) the focus of the analysis has above all been on the County administrations implementation of the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. Special emphasis has been made against the County administrations strategies of implementation and priorities, processing, the granted cases and their amounts, budget and its utilization rate, limitations on the support per case and rejected cases. In the comparison there has been made interviews with all of the County administrations, except for Uppsala County. The Rural Development Programme is equally funded by the EU and Sweden and enables, through action code 125, financial support to a number of different activities. Activities where there for example is a lack of knowledge, cooperation, or money. The aim for the support is to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural-, reindeer- and forestry sectors. Support is given to a maximum of 50 percent of the eligible costs of a project. The activities in action code 125 are, in spite of high potential of diversity, relatively simplistic. Of a total of 456 granted cases (2007-2009) and 16 327 000 million kronor basically all, with a few exceptions, are related to new and review of road associations and joint facilities (cadastral procedures). A review can, through updated share index and new statutes, contribute to an easier future cooperation of the associations that manage Sweden's private roads. Given that Sweden's private roads are a complement to the public roads, there should be a strong interest in keeping these roads and the associations that manage them in a good condition. Nevertheless the benefits, of both the action code and new and review of road associations and joint facilities, are in various ways challenged.

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  • 21.
    Toftehag, Mikaela
    et al.
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Lilliebjelke, Alexandra
    University West, Department of Engineering Science.
    Riksintressen för kulturmiljövård: En studie över riksintressen för kulturmiljövård och dess inverkan på samhällsutvecklingen i Göteborg2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Buildings and environments of cultural and historical significance provides with an unique glimpse into the past and the ways of life during the time of construction of the building. The areas of national interest intend to represent Sweden's national history, from Stone Age, to present day.

    The study aims to investigate how the areas containing buildings and environments of cultural heritage and national interest, affects the development of central Gothenburg. Today, a great amount of the major cities in Sweden suffers from a shortage of housing due to an increasing population and urbanization. The demand for housing in central areas makes construction in already populated areas an appealing solution.

    When the environments of cultural heritage are located in central, attractive areas, conflict strikes. The local government has to make a choice between keeping or demolish the old buildings and construct new ones. Opinions are divided about the importance of conservation work, when the demand for new, modern and sustainable cities increases.

    In order to obtain an understanding of how the local government handles cultural environments in the planning process, a number of detailed plans for the center of Gothenburg were examined. A small number of qualitative interviews were made in order to increase the validity and to get an insight into the local and county government’s views on the subject. The results indicate that the national interest for cultural heritage plays a vital role in the further development of the society, from a sustainability perspective in particular.

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