In this thesis, the comparison between two different methods of establishment of free station for the purpose of geodetic surveying. The methods are the traditional method,with known control points with already established coordinates, and the integrated method,that uses GNSS-technology. In the beginning of the thesis there is some theoretical background and explanation of the technology and methods to help with understanding the later parts. The study focuses only on the accuracy of the different methods, and not the time that each method takes to establish. This was decided because the main interest was to see which method was the most accurate, and not the most efficient time wise.
The method using known points is based on using points that have already established coordinates, and by measuring the distances and angles between these and the total station a position for the total station can be calculated. The other method is based on GNSS, and also uses the total station. This method instead uses new points, known as backsights, that are placed out during the establishment. The thesis also focuses on the sources of error that can occur during work with these methods, and how these sources impact the different methods. A look into the geodetic control network is also made and discussed throughout the thesis.In the end the completed results from all of the establishments are compiled and summarized, and a comparison and analysis are made on these results. These results are later discussed and the strengths and weaknesses of each method is weighed up.
The results of this study has shown that the best quality of the establishment is reached by using the integrated with at least five backsights. The sources of errors that were discovered for each method are studied more closely, in correlation to the prerequisites of the study. The study also shows that some of the known control points that were used during the establishments were of bad quality and in need of a control and some adjustments, to ensure that future work around these points won’t be a problem.
In the conclusion of the study the result shows that the use of the integrated method withat least five backsights is the preferred method of establishment. The quality of the establishment with the integrated method was 0,002 m and 0,004 m for the north and east coordinates, while the result of the traditional method was 0,004 and 0,013 for the north and east coordinates.