This thesis is the final assignment of the education Electric Power Technology at University West. The purpose of the thesis was to create drawings of the electrical and communication system for the construction of a new apartment building in Trollhättan.
The work has been done in programs such as MagiCAD for the construction of the drawings, El-Vis to help with the choice of cables, DIA-Lux to do a study of what lights to choose and Bluebeam Revu to review the drawings. The project has followed the customers description and the Swedish standards SS 437 01 02, SS 436 40 00 and Bygghandlingar 90. This means that the project fulfills the requirement of good electrical safety practice.
The work resulted in drawings for twenty apartments, outdoor corridors, basement with garage, the technical room, the garden environment and miscellaneous buildings. The drawings contain information about ducting, lighting, power, communication, access control, fire alarms, list of light fixtures, list of distribution circuits in the whole building, list of the network in the whole building and a single-line diagram. The building has a calculated power draw of 102 kW and is connected with a AXQJ 4x95/29mm2cable and is secured by a 160A fuse. The apartments are connected with a FQQ 5G6 cable, and so is the elevator in the building. The electric car chargers and other miscellaneous equipment in the building are connected with EQLQ cable. The garage is illuminated by eight light fixtures that are 1200 mm long, a rated power of 35 W and a color temperature of 4000 Kelvin.
Results in projects like this can vary depending on how a person interprets the standards and the customers description and needs. The project was completed within the timeframe, approved for use and is considered to fulfill the requirement of good electrical safety practice.