How can non-trivial graphical user interfaces be designed in Plan 9 without them losing their minimalistic style? Different toolkits are discussed, and a proposal for a tabbed toolbar is suggested as a way to add functionality without cluttering the interface and avoiding the use of pop-up dialog boxes. A hypothetical port to the GUI in LyX is used as an example.
The research question of the article is to explore whether the method dialogue meetings could be relevant for collaboration reflective learning among researchers and practitioners when welfare technology should be implemented in municipalities, or not. A testbed was planned to be implemented in a retirement home in a Swedish municipality, and the practitioners worked with a pre-study of that testbed. The aim of the article is to describe the collaboration and dialogue between the researchers and the practitioners in the dialogue meetings, and to reflect upon the potential of dialogue meetings as an arena for democratic collaboration and reflection among researchers and practitioners. The research methodology approach is participatory action research with mixed methods (dialogue meetings, focus groups,participant observations). During the dialogue meetings, the researchers learned more about the use of traditional research methods, and the practitioners learned more about how they could improve their use of the methods in order to facilitate change processes in their organization. Dialogue meetings could be relevant for reflective learning among researchers and practitioners in different organizational contexts, as a method to promote bridging the gap between practice and research in a democratic way; create inter-professional collaboration and reflection, and contribute to work change processes and sense-making.
The last ten years have been the witnesses of the emergence of any kind of video content. Moreover, the appearance of dedicated websites for this phenomenon has increased the importance the public gives to it. In the same time, certain individuals are deaf and occasionally cannot understand the meanings of such videos because there is not any text transcription available. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions for the purpose of making these media artefacts accessible for most people. Several software propose utilities to create subtitles for videos but all require an extensive participation of the user. Thence, a more automated concept is envisaged. This thesis report indicates a way to generate subtitles following standards by using speech recognition. Three parts are distinguished. The first one consists in separating audio from video and converting the audio in suitable format if necessary. The second phase proceeds to the recognition of speech contained in the audio. The ultimate stage generates a subtitle file from the recognition results of the previous step. Directions of implementation have been proposed for the three distinct modules. The experiment results have not done enough satisfaction and adjustments have to be realized for further work. Decoding parallelization, use of well trained models, and punctuation insertion are some of the improvements to be done.
Denna uppsats beskriver en studie, utveckling och testning av delar och teknik till en applikation anpassad till operativsystemet Android. Applikationen skall kunna mäta avståndet till framförvarande bil. Utöver avståndsmätning så testas applikationens förmåga att kalkylera sin egna hastighet med hjälp av GPS. Utifrån dessa två parametrar, hastighet och avstånd samt några konstanter skall den teoretiska stoppsträckan kunna räknas ut för att kunna varna om fordonet är för nära farmförvarande bil i förhållande till sin egna fart..
Tester utfördes på de olika applikationerna som programmerades och resultatet visade att tekniken i sig sätter stopp för att kunna mäta avståndet till nummerplåten på ett längre avstånd än ca 5m. Mätning av hastigheten var mer noggrann än hastighetsmätaren i bilen.
Resultatet blev att om alla delar sattes ihop till en enda applikation så skulle den i bästa fall kunna användas i maximalt 13,8 km/h förutsatt att framförvarande bil är stillastående, och att kameran från telefonen är i en rak vinkel mot framförvarande nummerplåt.
By drawing on the specific lessons learned from one case study, this paper will discuss collaboration, and issues upon knowledge communities in technical work domains. The results are based on a case study in a manufacturing process, thermal spraying, which can be characterised as very complex and technical. In order to understand the concept of knowledge communities in technical work domains I argue for an elaborated approach by going across different collaboration levels and organisational cultures, into issues of communities of practice. The discussion ends up with three main challenges for forming and supporting knowledge communities. These challenges might inspire an adequate work milieu, cultivated by both shared meanings and technology support.
This report is meant to display the different performance between Windows and Linux gamingservers. The two authors have conducted elaborate and in-depth experiments and tests to be able to compare the network performances. The experiments were conducted using four different test persons playing 4 different games from our selfhosted game server. The server is a Sunshine Gamestream Server.
The results have shown that Windows had higher FPS and higher throughput, but that the latency was close to the same, down to the millisecond on each test.
The authors also find it fascinating that Linux Gaming has come a long way in the short amount of time it has had the chance to utilize the new Proton engine from Steam, and it shows promising results for the future of cloud gaming.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has helped enhance the management of software development projects through automation, improving efficiency and enabling project professionals to focus on strategic aspects. Despite its advantages, applying AI in software development project management still faces several challenges. Thus, this study investigates key obstacles to applying artificial intelligence in project management, specifically in the project planning phase. This research systematically reviews the existing literature. The review comprises scientific articles published from 2019 to 2024 and, from the inspected records, 17 papers were analyzed in full-text form. In this review, 10 key barriers were reported and categorized based on the Technology–Organization–Environment (TOE) framework. This review showed that eleven articles reported technological challenges, twelve articles identified organizational challenges, and six articles reported environmental challenges. In addition, this review found that there was relatively little interest in the literature on environmental challenges, compared to organizational and technological barriers. © 2024 by the authors.
One of the main obstacles in software development projects is requirement volatility (RV), which is defined as uncertainty or changes in software requirements during the development process. Therefore, this research tries to understand the underlying factors behind the RV and the best practices to reduce it. The methodology used for this research is based upon qualitative research using interviews with 12 participants with experience in agile software development projects. The participants hailed from Austria, Nigeria, the USA, the Philippines, Armenia, Sri Lanka, Germany, Egypt, Canada, and Turkey and held roles such as project managers, software developers, Scrum Masters, testers, business analysts, and product owners. Our findings based on our empirical data revealed six primary factors that cause RV and three main agile practices that help to mitigate it. Theoretically, this study contributes to the body of knowledge relating to RV management. Practically, this research is expected to aid software development teams in comprehending the reasons behind RV and the best practices to effectively minimize it. © 2024 by the authors.
Autonomous cars are the first major examples of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everyday life. When cars are transformed into platforms,new service relationships emerge between car companies and the car users. These relationships generate gains and catches for both parts related to how physical and non-physical resources are exchanged in the sharing economy; how integrity is negotiated; and how responsibility is delegated when AI enables the car to take over most of the driving. With a "car as a platform approach", in this paper, we present a design fiction on ethical implications for citizens' daily lives with autonomous cars
This thesis has been a study in memory management in C/C++, with practical work in finding and solving memory leaks in a large project. A background theory of C++ and memory management has been presented along with the memory problems that can arise in development in C/C++. Several topics in minimizing memory problems with using inbuilt C++ libraries and the Boost libraries have also been presented. There is also an overview of the PLC-Opt 2.2 Beta application and its inner workings. The method was to learn all about memory management and solve the memory leaks in PLC-Opt. The results showed that there were approximately 28.000 instances of memory leaks and the end result showed that approximately 700 instances of leaks remained unresolved. A list with clues of the remaining memory leaks was provided in the Future work chapter.
Composable e-commerce is based on the separation of the systems that make up an e-commerce ecosystem. The general e-commerce ecosystem today consists of PIM, CMS, CRM, ERP, and OMS, each with its unique primary functionality. World360 is an e-commerce and 3PL company specializing in composable solutions for small to medium-sized businesses. World360 relies on flexibility with its composable architecture but also sees disadvantages with the separate administrative interfaces for multiple systems. The goal of this work is to bring together World360’s system pyramid (CRM) and third-party systems Brink (OMS), Plytix (PIM), and Storyblok (CMS) under one platform for administrative use. In this work, a dynamic platform for administrative use of e-commerce systems has been constructed. An administration solution with two interfaces was created using two component trees in NEXT JS. A unified authentication solution was implemented for the platform and pyramid using Google OAuth. RBAC was implemented as an authorization solution with limited access based on a white list with the three roles: user, admin, and superadmin. The work in this report contributes to gathering navigation links under a dynamic navigation bar, along with logistics and CRM from pyramid. Future development of the system would involve gradually building generic modules for each third-party system’s API and gradually replacing them.