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En kvalitativ uppsats om socialsekreterares val att lämna sitt yrke
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Psychology and organization studies.
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Psychology and organization studies.
2016 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
A qualitative study about social workers choice to leave their profession (English)
Abstract [sv]

I denna uppsats har det undersökts varför socialsekreterare i en västsvensk kommun har valt att helt lämna sina yrken. Grundorsaken till undersökningen är att bristen på socialsekreterare idag är ett nationellt problem som Sveriges kommuner arbetar mycket med, speciellt i dagens samhälle när det strömmar in flyktingar som behöver tas omhand. Undersökningen gjordes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer och en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. För att analysera resultaten av dessa intervjuer användes tematisk analys. Undersökningen visade att informanterna kände sig missnöjda med flera olika aspekter av sitt arbete. En av de faktorer som kom upp i alla intervjuer var att det krav de hade på sig på att vara tillgängliga hela tiden orsakade stress och avbrott i deras arbete. Ytterligare orsaker till varför de slutade var den höga arbetsbördan, brist på uppskattning och en missnöjdhet med ledarskapet. Informanterna hade gärna stannat kvar som socialsekreterare, eftersom de ansåg att arbetet var meningsfullt, men de andra faktorerna vägde tyngre än meningsfullheten, vilket gjorde att de slutade. Ett förslag som kom upp för att få individerna att stanna var att skapa ett så kallat kontaktcenter i receptionen, där mindre ärenden kunde hanteras direkt med klienterna. Detta hade då gett socialsekreterarna mer tid med sina egna klienter och mer energi till de tyngre fallen.

Abstract [en]

In this paper, it was investigated why social workers in a western Swedish municipality have chosen to leave their professions. The main reason behind this study is that the lack of social workers is a national problem that Sweden's municipalities struggle with, especially in today's society when refugees are pouring in and need to be attended to. The research was conducted using qualitative interviews. To analyse the results of the interviews several theories where used, such as motivation, salutogenic leadership, strategies of coping and role theory. For the interviews, thematic analysis was used. The study showed that the informers felt dissatisfied with several aspects of their work. One of the aspects that resulted from the interviews was that the demand to be available at all times, was too much for them. Some additional aspects to why they quit was the high workload, the lack of appreciation and dissatisfaction with the leadership. The informers would gladly have stayed as social workers since they considered it to be meaningful, but the other aspects weighed more heavily compared to meaningfulness which caused them to leave. One suggestion that was brought up to get the informers to stay was to create a so-called contact centre in the reception area where smaller errands could be handled directly with the client. This would have given more time for the social workers with their own clients and more energy for the more heavy cases.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2016. , p. 22
Keywords [en]
Social worker, qualitative, motivation, leadership, salutogenic leadership, role theory
Keywords [sv]
Socialsekreterare, kvalitativ, motivation, ledarskap, salutogent ledarskap, rollteori
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-9841Local ID: EXM500OAI:, id: diva2:956571
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2016-08-31 Created: 2016-08-30 Last updated: 2016-08-31Bibliographically approved

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