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Limitations of implementing low-end Cisco Catalyst switches in a Leaf-Spine topology
University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Computer, Electrical and Surveying Engineering.
University West, Department of Engineering Science, Division of Computer, Electrical and Surveying Engineering.
2016 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Begränsningar hos low-end Cisco Catalyst switchar vid använding i Leaf-Spine topologi (Swedish)
Abstract [en]

As a result of the growing number of interconnected devices and users, there is a need for a new data center architecture such as the Leaf-Spine topology, one that aims at improving the traffic performance of the data center network. However, this architecture is in its infancy, and the implementation cost is high because it may require the replacement of existing multilayer switches with new and expensive ones. This thesis performed a background study on the possibility of implementing a Leaf-Spine topology using existing low-end Catalyst switches. The low-end multilayer Catalyst switch examined was the Catalyst 3650 series switch.

Results illustrate that it is possible to implement a Leaf-Spine network with Catalyst 3650 switches. However, how much the production network is impacted by the limitations of the low-end Catalyst switches depends on the workloads running on the network, the number of servers, and the bandwidth allocation that each application requires and that the data center operator is willing to provide. The project identified that the Catalyst 3650 switches can support various number of servers that delivers different bandwidth capacity per server and oversubscription ratios. To realize the best performance fewer servers should be distributed across multiple leaf switches, and incast traffic patterns have some advantages over unicast traffic patterns when using CEF's per-packet based load balancing.

Abstract [sv]

Större krav läggs idag på dagens datacenter och därför krävs en ny arkitektur som kan hantera dessa. Leaf-Spine topologin är en nyare arkitektur som siktar på att förbättra prestandan i datacenternätverk. Kostnaden för att implementera denna topologi kan dock vara väldigt hög då man kan behöva ersätta nuvarande multilayerswitchar med nya och dyra switchar. I denna uppsats görs en bakgrundsstudie om möjligheten att implementera en Leaf-Spine toplogi med low-end Catalyst switchar. Switchen som undersöktes var Catalyst 3650.

Resultaten visar att det går att använda dessa switchar för Leaf-Spine men hur mycket nätverket påverkas av begränsningarna som medföljer Catalyst 3650 switcharna beror på lasten som läggs på nätverket, antalet servrar och hur mycket bandbredd som varje applikation behöver och vad datacenteroperatören är villig att tilldela. Det visade sig att olika implementationer av Leaf-Spine topologin kan genomföras med olika antal av servrar. Mindre antalet servrar fördelade på flera Leaf-switchar ger bättre resultat och trafikmönster med flera-till-en istället för en-till-en har vissa fördelar när man använder CEF per-packet load balancing.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2016. , p. 45
Keywords [en]
data center, Leaf-Spine, three-tier network design, hierarchical network model, Catalyst 3650, Nexus 6000 series, network simulation, Cisco VIRL
Keywords [sv]
datacenter, Leaf-Spine, tre nivåer nätverk design, hierarkiskt nätverk modell, Catalyst 3650, Nexus 6000, nätverkssimulation, Cisco VIRL
National Category
Engineering and Technology
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-9828Local ID: EXD500OAI:, id: diva2:956336
Subject / course
Computer enigeering
Educational program
Nätverksteknik med IT-säkerhet
Available from: 2016-08-30 Created: 2016-08-30 Last updated: 2016-08-30Bibliographically approved

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