Akerstedts is an industrial fan company which manufactures different kinds of fans like axial fans, radial fans and chimney fans. Since the company's mode of welding fans is manual and its disadvantages pose major threats to the safety of the humans working with it, the welding process needs to be automated to eliminate the disadvantages and ensure safety and quality. In this thesis, a number of solutions have been proposed to design cell layouts. These designs of cell layouts have been created using off line programming with the help of a software called Robot Studio. To design each cell layout every component of it like the robot, fixture, welding gun, peripherals, safety systems etc. have been carefully analysed and selected depending on what is exactly required. Also each cell was optimized to give the best possible output in terms of total cost, pro-duction rate and time, total surface area occupied by the cell and safety. Later these as-pects for each solution were analysed to pick out the best solution suitable for the com-pany. The various solutions have been visually shown through pictures and simulations and the analysis have been shown graphically.