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Upplevd rättvisa och work locus of control: en sambandsstudie
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies.
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies.
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Perceived justice and work locus of control : a correlation study (English)
Abstract [sv]

Forskning inom organisatorisk rättvisa anser att upplevelsen av rättvisa ärsubjektiv. Det har undersökts om personligheten kan vara en bidragande faktor tillvarför upplevelsen av rättvisa skiljer sig mellan olika individer. Syftet med studienvar att undersöka sambandet mellan upplevd rättvisa och personlighetsdraget worklocus of control. Kvantitativ metod användes och en enkät sammansattes medfrågor om procedural rättvisa, hämtade från Questionnaire to measureorganizational justice. Frågor om distributiv rättvisa, hämtades från Liljegrenssvenska översättning av Distributive Justice Index. Därtill användes även WorkLocus of control Scale. Data insamlades från tre olika arbetsplatser och deltagarnabestod av totalt 70 personer, varav 63 % kvinnor och 37 % män. Resultatet visadetillfredställande reliabilitet hos variablerna och att det fanns ett signifikant sambandmellan work locus of control och procedural samt distributiv rättvisa. Signifikansenkvarstod även vid kontroll för kön, ålder och anställningstid. En högre grad avintern work locus of control motsvarade en högre grad av upplevd rättvisa. Vidaregjordes korrelationsanalyser med uppdelning av arbetsplats och kön. Signifikansenför sambandet varierade mellan arbetsplatserna. Vidare visades även att det fannsett signifikant samband mellan variablerna inom kvinnor, men inte inom män.Resultatet indikerade att personligheten såväl som faktorer i kontexten, som könoch arbetsplats, spelade roll för individens upplevelse av rättvisa. Ytterligarefaktorer som kunnat påverka att sambandet inte återfanns i alla undersöktaarbetsplatser eller för båda könen, återstår att studera. Vidare studier omupplevelsen av rättvisa i olika yrkesgrupper, föreslås. Även vilken inverkankollektiva, sociala normer och föreställningar har för upplevelsen av rättvisa.

Abstract [en]

Research in organizational justice states that the perception of justice is individualand subjective. It has been investigated whether personality can be a contributingfactor to why the experiences of justice differ between individuals. The purpose ofthis study was to examine the relationship between perceived justice and thepersonality trait work locus of control. Data were collected through aquestionnaire, using a Quantitative method. The questionnaire was composed ofquestions about procedural justice, drawn from Questionnaire to measureorganizational justice. Questions about distributive justice, was brought fromLiljegren's Swedish translation of Distributive Justice Index. In addition, WorkLocus of Control Scale was also used. The sample was 70 people, of which 63%women and 37 % men with participants from three different workplaces. Theresults showed that there was a significant relationship between work locus ofcontrol and procedural and distributive justice. The significance remained evenwhen controlling for sex, age and length of service. A higher degree of internalwork locus of control corresponded to a higher level of perceived justice. Furtheranalyses on the different workplaces, separately, showed that the significance ofthe relationship varied between them. Separate treatment of gender also showedvariance in the significance. There was a significant relationship between the2variables for women but not for men. The results indicated that the personality aswell as other factors in the context, does matter to the individual's perception ofjustice. Factors that could have affected why the relationship was not found in allinvestigated workplaces, or for both sexes, were not measured in the study. Furtherstudies that measures several other factors, or regression analyses was implicated.So was also the impact that social norms and collective assumptions has on theperceptions of justice.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 21
Keywords [en]
work locus of control, personality, organizational justice, distributive justice, procedural justice
Keywords [sv]
work locus of control, personlighet, organisatorisk rättvisa, distributiv rättvisa, procedural rättvisa
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-8391Local ID: EXM500OAI:, id: diva2:858971
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2015-10-06 Created: 2015-10-05 Last updated: 2015-10-06Bibliographically approved

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