We show that if R is a, not necessarily unital, ring graded by a semigroup G equipped with an idempotent e such that G is cancellative at e, the nonzero elements of eGe form a hypercentral group and R-e has a nonzero idempotent f, then R is simple if and only if it is graded simple and the center of the corner subring fR(eGe)f is a field. This is a generalization of a result of Jespers’ on the simplicity of a unital ring graded by a hypercentral group. We apply our result to partial skew group rings and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the simplicity of a, not necessarily unital, partial skew group ring by a hypercentral group. Thereby, we generalize a very recent result of Goncalves’. We also point out how Jespers’ result immediately implies a generalization of a simplicity result, recently obtained by Baraviera, Cortes and Soares, for crossed products by twisted partial actions.