Byt kön eller välj döden: En berättelse om normalisering och disciplinering av homosexuella män i Iran
2015 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Change sex or die : A story regarding normalization and disciplining of homosexual men in Iran. (English)
Abstract [en]
This thesis tells a story about how the Iranian Government commands and controls homosexual men through disciplining and normalization. The main focus of this study is to clarify and inform how homosexual men can experience their lives in Iran. The study is built on storytelling based on a documentary film and different literature.
Be Like Others (2008), also known as Transsexuals in Iran created by Tanaz Eshaghian, Desiring Arabs (2007) written by Joseph A. Massad, What's really wrong with the Middle East (2011a) and Unspeakable Love, Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East (2011b) by Brian Whitaker. The various informational sources, informs about how homosexual men experience their everyday life and what has pushed them to undergo a gender reassignment treatment or surgery. Why they among other things are forced to go through surgery that changes their gender identity or expression to fit into the norm in Iran. But also tells different stories and news affecting LGBTQ life situations in the Middle East and what needs to change in order to improve their daily life. The Iranian government implements various regulations and laws that discipline and normalize Iranian inhabitants resulting in gay men changing expression or identity to fit into the norm. Homosexuality in Iran is a controversial subject, for instance, when the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Columbia University in New York on 24th September 2007, he took the opportunity to express that Iran is a LGBTQ-free state. This statement led the author to tell a story about various situations and how life is for homosexual man in Iran. In the narrative storytelling, a discussion about whether homosexual men in Iran exists or not and under what conditions of life they survive, based on discipline and normalization of Iran, takes place. The study's main conclusions is that the Iranian government controls people to maintain the normal gender role and relations and therefore to maintain this normal heterosexual norm through disciplining and normalization.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. , p. 35
Keywords [en]
Normalization, disciplinary, homosexual, gender reassignment, honor-culture, LGBTQ & Fatwa.
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-7522Local ID: EXD920OAI:, id: diva2:805317
2015-04-212015-04-152015-04-21Bibliographically approved