Code-switching in Swedish Television: An analysis of spoken English in "Hasselhoff – En Svensk Talkshow"
2014 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
Code-switching refers to the use and alternation between two, or more, different languages in a single context and this linguistic phenomenon has been investigated thoroughly by the sociolinguistic field. The following study aims to determine when, how and why code-switching occurs in spoken language, using an English speaking talkshow with Swedish guests as the object of study. A mixed methods research approach is applied, relating the results to the influence of English within our society. Four episodes of "Hasselhoff – En Svensk Talkshow" (2014) have been examined for this purpose because of the fact that the host and the various guests do not share the same ethnicity, culture and linguistic background. Different theoretical aspects of code-switching are considered before the main findings are presented and discussed further. The results show that these linguistic switches depend on contextual circumstances and may be explained as a consequence of (1) a direct request from the interviewer, (2) habit, (3) limited English vocabulary or (4) lack of useful equivalents. A primary analysis, relating the occurrences to previous studies, indicates that these cases of code-switching achieve their purpose and provide deeper understanding in linguistic structures
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 41
Keywords [en]
Code-switching, spoken language, English as a First Language (EFL), English as a Second Language (ESL), Second Language Acquisition (SLA), bilingualism, borrowing
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-6975Local ID: EXE600OAI:, id: diva2:762348
Subject / course
Educational program
Teacher Traning Programme
2014-11-142014-11-112014-11-14Bibliographically approved