The move from student to nurse has been described as difficult and tough for new nurses. New nurses' feeling of lacking competence can reduce the opportunity to develop professional competence.They also reported fears of being "exposed" as clinically incompetent, and failing to provide safe care.Entering the nursing profession requires a high degree of adaptation where graduates are shown what skills are needed.There is a qualitative difference between the professional competence conveyed during education and the competence demanded in working life.The aim of this paper is to discuss and propose hown urses ́praxis can be developed by means of Work Integrated Learning as a pedagogical approach.The study departs from a model which shows processes newly registered nurses must manage to achieve a sense of competence. These processes will behighlighted by discussing the model's processes related to praxis in the Aristotelian tradition, situated learning, social construction and WIL.One idea behind this paper is to,by using the concept of praxis, hold up the potential of WIL It is concluded that WIL may provide an analytical perspective using reflection where the student is given the opportunity to develop metacognitive skills to reflectt heir experiences in orde rto create understanding and manifest praxis by learning in and by clinical practice, the move from being a student to becoming a nurse. The intent of praxis and WIL is to integrate scientific knowledge with practical knowledge as a pedagogical approach that provide an analytical perspective where the student is given the opportunity to develop metacognitive skills and to test their experiences in order to create understanding and manifest their praxis by learning in and by clinical practice, the move from being a student to becoming a nurse.One way to do it is by using praxis as a component in WIL and to identify knowledge that is generated in practical knowledge, professional nursing activities and endeavors by nurses on the one hand and scientific knowledge that is generated in the academy on the other hand, in order to elaborate ways to mixt hem and create a certain kind of knowledge that is neither theoretical nor purely practical.The result of this study will be proposed as a complement to nursing program curriculum in clinical practice, to identify special challenges facing students when managing and developing their professional competence