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Värderingar i arbetslivet: En kvalitativ studie av arbetsvärderingar hos generation X och Y
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology and Organisation Studies.
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Values at work : A qualitative study of work values with Generation X and Y (English)
Abstract [sv]

Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka värderingar i arbetslivet som fanns hos de två generationerna, X och Y, om dessa skiljde sig åt samt stämde överens med tidigare forskning. Arbetsvärderingar delades in tre kategorier; Ledarskap, Lojalitet samt Motivation. Studien är av kvalitativ art och utfördes hos ett större byggföretag. En semistrukturerad intervjuform användes på fyra deltagare, två män och två kvinnor. Alla arbetade som arbetsledare och två av deltagarna tillhörde generation X samt två generation Y. Till analysen användes tematisk analys för att ta fram relevanta teman. De resultat som framkom visade att det fanns skillnader generationerna emellan, men att dessa var relativt små och frågan kan även ställas om det verkligen berodde på generation eller på andra faktorer, såsom ålder eller erfarenhet. De tydligaste skillnaderna som framkommit inom motivation var att generation Y inte värdesatte hög lön lika högt som generation X och att generation Y tenderade att se till sin egen personliga utveckling något mer än generation X som istället såg just lön och påverkansmöjligheter som en viktigare faktor. Inom Ledarskap var generation X i behov av direkt feedback, t.ex. i form av snabba svar och feedback på deras prestation, medan generation Y var i behov av mer kontinuerlig feedback och stöttning under arbetets gång. Inom lojalitet tenderade generation X att vilja kombinera arbets- och privatlivet, medan generation Y satte sin fritid i första hand, även om de för den skull var villiga att göra uppoffringar för sin arbetsgivare. Generation Y hade även något större förväntningar på sin arbetsgivare

Abstract [en]

The purpose of the study was to examine which values in the workplace that existed within the two generations, X and Y, if these differed and were consistent with previous research. Working Values were divided into three categories; Leadership, Loyalty and Motivation. The study was made with a qualitative approach and conducted at a large construction company. A semi-structured interview was used on four participants, two men and two women. All worked as foremen and two of the participants belonged to the generation X and generation Y. For the analysis, a thematic analysis was used to develop relevant themes. The results that emerged showed that there were differences between the generations, but these were relatively small, and the question may also be whether it really was due to generation or to other factors, such as age or experience. The most obvious differences that's been emerged within motivation was that generation Y not valued high salary as high as generation X and that generation Y tended to look to their own personal development a bit more than generation X, which instead saw salary and influence as an important factor. Within Leadership was generation X was in need of immediate feedback, such as in terms of quick response and feedback of their performance, while generation Y was in need of more continuous feedback and jacking while working. Within loyalty generation X tended to want to combine work life and private life, while generation Y puts leisure in the first place, even if they also were willing to make sacrifices for their employer. Generation Y also had somewhat greater expectations of their employers

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 19
Keywords [en]
Generation X, generation Y, work values, loyalty, motivation, leadership
Keywords [sv]
Generation X, generation Y, arbetsvärderingar, lojalitet, motivation, ledarskap
National Category
Work Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-6749Local ID: EXM500OAI:, id: diva2:752308
Subject / course
Occupational & organizational psychology
Educational program
Available from: 2014-10-10 Created: 2014-10-03 Last updated: 2014-10-10Bibliographically approved

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