The importance of inter‐professional learning and knowledge integra‐tion for teaching is increasing as the use of digital tools will challenge the peda‐gogical conditions within the school context. It is the responsibility of schools thatthe students can use modern technology as a tool for searching knowledge, forcommunication, as well as for creation and learning. Therefore, teachers often arechallenged in integrating digital tools in their pedagogical practices. It has beenobvious that the implementation of new digital tools in the classrooms has causedsome uncertainty within the school professions. Thus, professionals working inschools need to collaborate, interact and communicate with other professionalsin order to develop their knowledge within their work practice. Communities ofpractice are sharing a specific practice and can create a common understandingand sense‐making. Digital tools have occurred as resources for interaction andcollaboration at different locations and times, also to a great extent facilitatinginter‐professional work and learning. This paper is based on an action‐based qual‐itative study of a Nordic education project, with focus on the inter‐professionalcollaboration and the use of digital tools. In the project different professions asteachers, principals, IT‐pedagogues, IT‐technicians as well as researchers haveparticipated. The aim of this paper is to analyze conditions for how to enable in‐ter‐professional learning and knowledge integration through various digital tools.Knowledge acquired collectively is actually negotiated and accepted within acommunity of practice. To collaboratively produce common teaching cases, obvi‐ously challenges the creation of a system of collective knowledge. Challenges arealso related to the inter‐professional processes of learning as different profes‐sions are acting in different contexts. Trust between different individuals and pro‐fessions seems to be an important aspect together with participation in the com‐munities of practice for inter‐professional learning and knowledge integratingusing various digital tools in a virtual environment