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"Man får ju känna i morrhåren när man kliver överkanten": Några anställdas uppfattningar kring sitt medarbetarskap
University West, Department of Nursing, Health and Culture, Divison for Health, Culture and Educational Sciences.
University West, Department of Nursing, Health and Culture, Divison for Health, Culture and Educational Sciences.
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
"You have to sense through your whiskers when you areabout to step over the edge" : Some employees perceptions of their employeeship (English)
Abstract [sv]

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur anställda i en offentlig förvaltning uppfattar sitt medarbetarskap. Med syftet i grunden har vi tittat på hur de anställda uppfattar att ledarskapet påverkar medarbetarskapet, hur de anställda själva uppfattar medarbetarskapet samt hur de anställda uppfattar sitt lärande. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samlades data in som analyserades utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats, detta då vi ville finna variationerna i medarbetarnas uppfattningar. Analysen resulterade i tre beskrivningskategorier med tillhörande underkategorier där flera variationer kring medarbetarskapet återfinns. "Det reella medarbetarskapet (?)" med underkategorierna "Jag tar mitt ansvar med chefen i ryggen" och "Medarbetare motiveras av att reda sig själv men känner sig ensam ibland". "Lärande i arbetslivet och med andra" med underkategorierna "Relationernas betydelse för lärande" och "Förutsättningar för lärande präglas av arbetsuppgift och vilja till lärande" samt beskrivningskategorin "Påverka genom handling och inställning". Resultatet visar att den kontext medarbetarskapet finns i avgör vilken typ av medarbetarskap som uppstår. Ansvaret framträder tydligt utifrån olika dimensioner så som ansvar för att veta sina personliga begränsningar, ansvar för relationer i gruppen och ansvaret att förhålla sig till organisatoriska villkor. Genom sin kompetens och med hjälp från ledare och kollegor tar de anställda sitt ansvar

Abstract [en]

The purpose of this paper has been to investigate how employees of a public administration perceive their employeeship. We have looked at how the employees perceive that the leadership affects the employeeship, how the employees perceive their employeeship and how the employees perceive their learning, all this with the purpose as the foundation. The data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and was analyzed based on a phenomenographic approach, this as we wanted to find the variation in the employees perception. The outcome of the analysis are three categories of description with adherent subcategories to it, where several variations about employeeship are found. "The real employeeship (?)" with subcategories "I take my responsibility with support from the leader" and "Employees are motivated by being able to take care of things themselves but can feel lonely at sometimes". "Learning by work and with others" with subcategories "The significance of relationships for learning" and "Prerequisities for learning are characterized by task and will to learn" and the description category "Influence through action and attitude". The results show that the context of the employeeship determines the type of employeeship that occurs. The responsibility is defined based on various dimensions such as the responsibility to know their limitations, responsibility for relationships in the group and the responsibility to relate to organizational terms. The employees take their responsibility through their competence and with help from leaders and collegues

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 48
Keywords [en]
Employeeship, Leadership, Organization, Learning, Relationships, Phenomenography, Interviews, Responsibility
Keywords [sv]
Medarbetarskap, Ledarskap, Lärande, Relationer, Fenomenografi, Intervjuer, Ansvar
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-6400Local ID: EXM520OAI:, id: diva2:731707
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2014-07-02 Created: 2014-07-02 Last updated: 2014-07-02Bibliographically approved

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