This Bachelor’s thesis aims to provide an explanation to how the Swedish news media chooses to represent great power, in this case China and the United States, through the perception of Swedish national identity. This study is based upon an ontological position of social constructivism and has applied the representation theory as the main theoretical tool. To make this possible, the thesis has used a comparative research design to examine a small amount of cases; China and the United States. Two of Sweden’s biggest daily newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, are chosen to be examined and the thesis will be analysing their news article regarding the two countries during 2013. These news articles will be divided into three different dimensions of representation- military, economic and cultural- in the analysis to provide a clear and structured examination. Through these examinations the study continues by comparing the two countries with the Swedish national identity and defining them as ‘us’ and ‘them’ according to the Swedish self-image. The results has shown that there is no clear distinction between who is considered as us or them, in all dimensions, and that it depends on how Sweden’s self-image identifies itself with other countries