Twenty years have passed since the central document of health promotion, the Ottawa Charter, was constituted. Health was seen as the process enabling individuals and communities to increase control over their determinants of health, thereby improving their health and enabling an active and productive life, that is, a good quality of life. One main strategy was the making of a healthy public policy. At the same time Aaron Antonovsky developed the salutogenic theory and its core concepts the sense of coherence and the generalized resistance resources. This paper integrates Antonovsky's salutogenic theory and a salutogenicmodel of quality of life into the core principles of theOttawa Charter and exemplifies how to make healthy public policy the salutogenic way. A process-oriented coherent health promotion research model integrating an ecological, a salutogenic and a resilient approach is shown. The objective of this theoretical model is to bring together the whole spectrum of risk factors, protective factors and promotion factors in one model. Further, individual, group and society level are considered. Themodel suggested aims to contribute to the creation of sense of coherence. This is exemplified in practice in a case study of a Nation, that is, on a national level. The case study of the "Nation" is partly masked. The principles behind these processes are explained in detail while the case study of the "Nation" only includes parts of the process explaining some core issues. The overall aim of this paper is to stimulate health promotion activities along the lines presented and invite the readers to comment and continue the discussion.