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Skolstress och somatiska besvär hos ungdomar i gymnasiet: Finns det skillnader mellan studie- och yrkesförberedande program?
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division for Educational Science and Languages.
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
School-related stress and somatic complaints amongadolescents in high school : Are there differences between academic and vocationalprograms (English)
Abstract [sv]

I uppsatsen undersöktes faktorer som bidrar till skolstress och somatiska symtom hos ungdomar på studieförberedande- och yrkesförberedande gymnasium av båda könen. Deltagarna var 105, varav 59 från de studieförberedande programmen, 23 elever var killar och 36 var tjejer samt, 46 var från de yrkesförberedande programmen, varav 25 var killar och 21 var tjejer. Undersökningen var kvantitativ och enkäter skapades som innehöll 42 frågor varefter 10 variabler skapades av dessa och en fråga analyserades med kvalitativ ansats. Resultaten visade att studenterna på de studieförberedande programmen generellt upplevde mer skolstress. Tjejerna upplevde mer skolstress, externa krav, somatiska-, psykosomatiska besvär och de ansåg sig ha för höga krav på sig själva. Korrelationen mellan somatiska besvär och skolstress var positiv och resultatet var signifikant. Studien visade att elever led av både Skolstress, Somatiska- och Psykosomatiska besvär och dessa borde tas i åtanke av både vårdnadshavare och lärare i skolsituationer. Relibiliteten för alla variabler utom Somatiska besvär var god och eftersom reliabiliteten var låg fanns risk för att samband inte var signifiktanta . Det fanns även en risk att Skolstressen var högre på grund av att det var nära terminsavslut. Förslag till vidare studier var att undersöka varför killar inte upplever samma besvär som tjejer.

Abstract [en]

The essay investigated factors that could contribute to school-related stress and somatic complaints among adolescents at academic- and vocational programs in high school in both sexes. There were 105 participants, whereof 59 from the academic programs, 23 where boys and 36 were girls and 46 from the vocational programs, whereof 25 were boys and 21 were girls. The study was a quantitative one and questionnaires were created from which contained 42 questions after which 10 variables were created and one question was analyzed with a qualitative approach. The results showed that students at the academic programs generally experienced more school-related stress. Girls experienced more school-related stress, external demands, somatic- and psychosomatic complaints and they thought they had too much demands on themselves. The correlation between somatic complaints and school-related stress was positive and the result was significant. The study showed that students suffered from both school-related stress, somatic- and psychosomatic complaints and this should be taken into consideration from both caregivers and teachers in school situations. The reliability for all variables other than Somatic complaints was good. There was a risk that the school-related stress was high because of closeness to end of semester. A suggestion for further studies was to examine why boys does not experience the same difficulties as girls

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 20
Keywords [en]
academic program, vocational program, school-related stress, somatic complaints, negative psychosomatic complaints, sex differences
Keywords [sv]
Studieförberedande program, yrkesförberedande program, skolstress, somatiska besvär, negativa psykosomatiska besvär, könskillnader
National Category
Educational Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-5958Local ID: PSE500OAI:, id: diva2:698672
Subject / course
Educational science
Educational program
Teacher Traning Programme
Available from: 2014-02-26 Created: 2014-02-24 Last updated: 2014-04-08Bibliographically approved

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