This paper reports a study into the usefulness of a method called the Quality Café. The method is based on the World Café method which has been supplemented with the quality management tool,
affinity diagrams. The purpose of this paper is to investigate The Quality Cafe as a method for organisational learning and quality development. The paper is based on theory from quality management and organisational learning. A framework depicting quality man-agement as a system of components of different profundity is presented. In the study the possibility of integrating more profound aspects in one of the superficial tools, the affinity diagram, is assessed. A case study has been carried out in which a Quality Café was performed in a Swedish SPA-hotel. The results have been as-sessed for their usefulness for the company as well as for research. It is found that the method was useful in both regards in this specific case which indicates its us-ability. Nevertheless further research is needed to assess the general usefulness of the method.