Drama as a trans-structural catalyst in a global-local and formal -informal rhizome of ESD agents.
In the center of the stage stands a collaborative theatre co –production facing sustainability with stakeholders from five continents. The project sets out to investigate a number of questions; How and if can Drama serve to enhance ESD learning with an emphasis on emerging processes in a trans-structural setting? What effect can an embodied learning that also includes a visit to the as- if –imaginary domains have on a intercultural ESD discussion? As Drama means doing - acting as well as reflecting there is a potential for a critical reflexivity, how can that be investigated? What are the ethical implications involved in the usage of such transformative tools? These are a few off all the questions that has triggered my interest in using Drama whilst working with ESD in an intercultural and network-based learning context. Findings from a pilot case study will be presented and I look forward to the possibility of enhancing the discussion within this distinguished crowd.