When designing for e-learning the objective is todesign for learning i.e. the technology supporting thelearning activity should aid and support the learningprocess and be an arena where learning is likely to occur. Toobtain this when designing e-learning for the workplace theauthor argue that it is important to have knowledge on howusers actually access and use e-learning systems. In order togain this knowledge web logs from a web lecture developedfor a Scandinavian public body has been analyzed. During aperiod of two and a half months 15 learners visited the weblecture 74 times. The web lecture consisted of streamingvideo with exercises and additional links to resources on theWWW to provide an opportunity to investigate the topicfrom multiple perspectives. The web lecture tookapproximately one hour to finish. Using web usage miningfor the analysis seven groups or interaction patternsemerged: peaking, one go, partial order, partial unordered,single module, mixed modules, non-video modules.Furthermore the web logs paint a picture of the learningactivities being interrupted. This suggests that modulesneeds to be fine-grained (e.g. less than 8 minutes per videoclip) so learners’ do not need to waste time having to watchparts of a video clip while waiting for the part of interest toappear or having to fast forward. A clear and logicalstructure is also important to help the learner find their wayback accurately and fast.