Holonic Manufacturing System (HMS) is an integrated multi-agent technology that represents the developing direction in the automation field. HMS can be represented as a non-hierarchical manufacturing architecture with no or limited supervision. However, it is a challenge for a single holon in a non-hierarchical system to make globally optimal decisions. This paper presents a simulation-based optimization method for HMS by introducing a new wizard holon. A wizard holon collects the necessary information from the entire HMS and uses Discrete Event System (DES) simulation to evaluate the cost of different decisions. Since a non-hierarchical approach is used the wizard input is only treated as an advice to achieve more globally optimal decisions. The decisions are still taken by the local holon. Even for an experienced operator it might be hard to predict the outcome of a decision in a critical situation. Hence, wizard advices are valuable for all types holons, including machines, robots, and operators.
Publicerat på USB-minne, nr 1177