Car-commercials are something that many people come in contact with on a daily basis.
This is a study on commercials for cars and is focusing on visual effects that are made
in post-production. In this report we are trying to find out if and how visual effects in
commercials for cars affect how the observer remembers them. The second subjects that
we use in this report is popularity and we try to find out if and in that case how visual
effects affect the commercials for cars popularity. We also investigated how frequently
commercials for cars are showed on TV and how the visual effects are in them, it gives
a better foundation to the other parts.
The methods we applied were interviews, quantitative and qualitative content analysis
of car commercials and also observation analysis of the 6 swedish TV-channels that
shows commercials and have the most viewers, to get an idea how frequently these
commercials are shown. The commercials that were applied in this paper was from late
2011 to early 2012. Interviews were made with people from the ages 16 to 76 years old
with an equal distribution of sexes. We used 4 different commercials for cars in our
interviews with 4 different degrees of the amount of visual effects. We analyzed 6
Swedish TV-channels that show commercials and that have the most viewers to get an
idea about how frequently commercials for car are shown.
The result of our research showed us that there was no connection between visual
effects and popularity and that a larger amount of visual effects can increase the
observers tendency to remember a commercial with 15 percentage. Most commercials
from the studied period was without visual effects and 13,3% had a larger amount of
visual effects
2012. , p. 26