This paper reports on a project aimed at identifying and exploring the development and implementation processes of teaching practices with interactivewhiteboards (IWBs) in two Swedish K-6 schools. The purpose of theproject was to generate results and insights of value when preparingstudent teachers for professional use of IWBs and to give school leadersguidelines when implementing IWBs. A range of methods were used tocollect rich and varied empirical materials in this exploratory project.Judging from our data, it was obvious that the implementation process ofIWBs, just like other information and communication technology initiatives, is very technology-oriented, but also dependent on attitudes. Overthe course of time in the project, different strategies emerged among the teachers regarding whether and how they used the IWBs in their lectures. Italso became increasingly clear during the study that there is a distinctionbetween technical interactivity and pedagogical interactivity. Our resultsfurther suggest that training is needed when introducing these boards forfuture users. This training should include both technical instructions andpedagogical discussions.Keywords: interactive whiteboards; primary teaching; ICT; implementationproces