Artefacts reveal an organisation's ''inner life'' and they contribute to its image and reputation. They also play a decisive role for an organisation's development. In this article, similar artefacts from two different health care teams—a trauma team and a psychiatric team—in the same hospital, are compared. The team members were interviewed and their work observed over the course of several years. It was demonstrated that identical pieces of equipment in a trauma team and a psychiatric team signalled opposite values. The psychiatric team was backwardlooking, conservative and contradictory. Modern technology and pieces of equipment were associated with an abandoned and previously criticised activity. The corresponding equipment in the trauma team, on the other hand, signalled a forward looking, developing and unified culture. The trauma team was a relatively new and powerfully idealised phenomenon, which attracted attention. The analysis points out how the symbolic values signal that one activity is attractive and pleasing while another has a low external legitimacy.