This study is about how the study associations belonging to the liberal adult
education deal with their role under New Public Management (NPM). Since the
beginning of the ’90’s the study associations have been engaged in the state
program for education of the unemployed. State financed education of the
unemployed was in the beginning managed by objectives with direct grants. After
about five years the direct grants were discontinued, and the responsibility for this
education was transferred to the local authority. With different kinds of
competitive purchase systems the study organizations became actors on the
educational market. Key issues of voluntary organizations are the ideas or the
particular nature for which they were created, and which forms the basis for their
activities. When introducing competitive markets these ideas risk being bent in
order to meet the demands of the market.
The question of this dissertation is how the study associations describe their
identity when they move from being the receiver of grants under management by
objectives into being self-financed actors on the educational market. By using
rhetoric analyses this thesis shows how a discourse of the liberal adult education
can be transferred and used in a new context of an education for the labor market.
In this context the argumentation is characterized by the rhetoric of a
professional. At the same time the language of pathos remains. In the new way of
talking about their activities, pathos and logos have been combined so that both
directions are important for the commissioned education. Some examples of
expressions of pathos are free and voluntary (fritt och frivilligt) which historically
has been an objective of the liberal adult education. In the new context this notion
stands out as a pedagogical way of working for participants with needs for
particular support.
Göteborg: BAS-förlag , 2006. , p. 227
market orientation, voluntary organization, the liberal adulteducation, rhetoric analysis, discursive practice, strategic communication
2006-06-09, CG-salen Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Vasagatan 1, Göteborg, 13:15 (English)