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Fånga leken: en studie om lekens betydelse för barn med olika funktionsnedsättningar - iakttagelser genom deltagande i barns lek
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies.
2006 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)Student thesis
Abstract [sv]

“Games children play” is a study about the importance of playing with a focus on a group of disabled children. I have made some observations by participating in these children’s play at an accommodation. My interest arouse when I worked as holiday substitute at an accommodation for disabled children.

The purpose with the study is to carry out participation observations and look for signs and events that show the importance of children’s play. I also want to see how the play appears among the children in their stay at the accommodation.

The main questions in this study concern four themes four themes that are play, climate, environment and staff. To carry out my study I have chosen to make the observations at the accommodation in question. At working hours I perform my observations by participating in my everyday tasks. With the help of L. Vygotskijs theory about the importance of play I will try to analyse my observations and look for answers as I have mentioned above. By participating in the children’s play I’ve got four courses of events. The children’s play goes from ballgame to role-play. During the theme play, I was taking part when two girls were playing a role-play. During the theme environment I was playing masquerade with a girl, during the theme climate I was playing horse with one of the children and during the last theme staff I was playing bandy with two of the children. During my observations and my theoretical work I found out that by playing different games the children learned to act different sense of substance. They learned social behaviour rules. By participating in the play the pedagogues are stimulating the development. A playful adult is the most stimulating factor for the children’s play. The children are developing their social skills when they are playing. The environment can make the play inspiring or obstructing. The staff’s way to be can be a huge inspiration source which invites and allows the children to play. The climate is about the attitude to play, and if the climate is allowing play and if it allows play to take time and place, the play can be developing in many ways.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Trollhättan, 2006. , p. 34
Keywords [sv]
Barn med funktionshinder, Lek
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-1365OAI:, id: diva2:215942
Available from: 2009-05-06 Created: 2009-05-06

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