Today sportsclubs are important actors in the work with promoting public health in Sweden. Sports have unique opportunities to reach out with messages to many people with diffrent backgrounds. In many respects sport- and clublife could be looked upon as health promotiv activiteis. It is not just the health of the individual that is affected by sportslife but also the community take advantage of active people in clubs. Partly through a healthier population and partly because clubs educational role in teaching democracy and solidarity to its members. The purpuse of this study is to investigate how sportsclubs perceive debate the health issue. It is also discussed how clubs position themselves towards possible demands in public health work. To study how sportsclubs discuss health I have used interviews in order to catch the qualitative aspects of the issue. The results show that activitets in many aspects are health promotive as they offer physical activitiese, solidarity and participation. The clubs saw health as something importent, but still their interpretation of the meaning of health differ and if in some cases limited. The studie show among other things that the sportsclub don´t attach great importace to social capital. If the local authority demand the sportsclubs to work with public health issues, the sportsclubs preceive the demands as difficult and looked fore discussionen and concert.