The work done in this report is made within the metal deposition research project in the MIA-group (Mechatronics in Industrial Applications) at the University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla (HTU). Metal deposition is a method of building metal work pieces using weld material. The aim of the MIA-groups research is to develop a control system for automated robotised metal deposition. The research conducted is a continuation of the thesis “Development of Sensor System for Automated metal deposition” by Mr Jan-Erik. Henriksson, Ms Jessica Jansson and Mr Simon Cronholm. The aim of the work conducted in this report is to determine what effects changes of the weld speed and electrode angle do to the geometry of the weld seam. During the initial experiments it was noticed that differences in the weld process occurred due to the final rolling method of the plate used. To achieve similar results as in earlier experiments cold rolled plates had to be used. The electrode angle affects the weld such that the narrowest weld is performed with the electrode perpendicular to the plate. As the electrode is tilted the width of the weld is increased. The effect of increased weld speed is less oxides on the weld seam, more stable welding process and less deformation of the plate caused by shorter exposure of heat. While conducting the experiments more experience of improvements in equipment and important parameters for the metal deposition process.