In the rapidly evolving landscape of connected vehicles, the threat of cyberattacks has emerged as a significant concern. This research embarked on a journey to develop a riskbased strategy to protect these vehicles, leveraging the MITRE ATT&CK framework. An exhaustive literature review laid the foundation, revealing gaps in current defense mechanisms and highlighting the urgency of addressing vulnerabilities in connected vehicles.Using the MITRE ATT&CK framework, specific vulnerabilities in connected vehicles were identified. A bespoke risk assessment model was then crafted, which prioritized these vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and exploitability. This prioritization was not just data-driven but was further refined with insights from industry experts.To address the identified vulnerabilities, countermeasures were developed, rooted in the principles of the Layered Security Model. These countermeasures underwent rigorous testing in simulated environments, ensuring their robustness against potential cyber threats. Continuous monitoring mechanisms were also established to ensure the long-term efficacy of these countermeasures.The culmination of this research offers a comprehensive strategy to safeguard connected vehicles against cyber threats. The findings not only contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge but also provide actionable insights for industry practitioners. The journey, from identifying vulnerabilities to developing and testing countermeasures, underscores the importance of a holistic, risk-based approach in the realm of connected vehicle cybersecurity