The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential effects of machine learning and artificial intelligence on military organizations, on a general basis. ChatGPT, has sparked a debate in universities all over the world, and language model software’s are likely to impact how military personnel conduct their work – several officers work on tasks that could benefit from machine learning integration, such as logistics, healthcare, maintenance, intelligence, and others. However, officers will need to develop skills to ask relevant questions to extract information from the algorithm and train the algorithm to process relevant information with sufficient quality. That is, the military organization needs to develop different methods of learning. Exercises, particularly two-sided field exercises with a friendly and a hostile side, now have two additional learners, the friendly and the hostile algorithm. The potential risks of learning faults and errors from exercises are always present, and introducing algorithms increases these risks. Humans learn by facing different situations and Collection of Abstracts NATO in the Nordics10 reflecting on their actions, while algorithms learn by classifying available data. Understanding the learning needs of humans and algorithms has strategic implications.