The aim of the study is to find out if teachers’ perceptions of AmE, BrE and MaE have to do with which variety of English they choose to speak and write in classroom settings and why, and if it would affect their assessments if students used Mid-Atlantic English in spoken and written assignments. The material was gathered using an online questionnaire and 81 teachers in Sweden participated and filled in the questionnaire. The result of this study demonstrated that it was not only teachers’ perceptions of American English, British English and Mid-Atlantic English that had motivated them to speak and write a certain English variety in classroom settings, but other aspects also played a significant part such as syllabus, mother tongue, overseas work experience, and consideration taken to students’ future studies. The result of this study demonstrated that MaE was acceptable in classroom settings, perceived as Standard English by some participating teachers, and the majority of participating teachers accepted the usage of MaE in both verbal and written assignments.