Digitalization is a global phenomenon involving rapidly developing digital transformation of health services. Both the use of new technologies and the development of new products and services present a significant challenge for healthcare managers and employees. Even though healthcare professionals apply technologies in their work, studies indicate that users’ digitalization competence is not developed to the optimal level. There is a gap in knowledge of healthcare professionals’ competence areas and experience in digitalization. The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how healthcare middle managers can increase employees’ digital competence by using digital support. Semi-structured interviews and a thematic analysis were conducted, also a case study at NU Hospital Group was conducted with the focus on how the content in the digitization portal could be useful for managers. The study examined how healthcare middle managers can use digital support to increase employees' digital competence. The study is presenting a deeper understanding of how healthcare middle managers can increase employees’ digital competence. The result indicates the importance of presenting a clear purpose for the digital transformation so that managers can motivate and influence employees.