Hur påverkar budgetdeltagande budgetslack och motivation bland underordnade chefer?: En kvalitativ fallstudie på tre organisationer i Sverige
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
How does budget participation affect budget slack and motivation among subordinates? : A qualitative case study of three organizations in Sweden (English)
Abstract [sv]
Budget är ett ekonomiskt styrverktyg som används i syfte att styra medarbetarna mot att jobba efter organisationens uppsatta mål. Budgetprocessen definieras som framtagandet av budgeten. Genom att låta underordnade chefer vara delaktiga i denna process fungerar budgeten som ett motivationsverktyg för de involverade. Budgeten kan motivera de underordnade cheferna att jobba hårdare för budgetmålen, eftersom de själva varit delaktiga i framtagandet av dessa och haft möjlighet att påverka målen. Tidigare forskning presenterar både fördelar och nackdelar med att låta underordnade chefer vara delaktiga i budgetprocessen. Det positiva faktorerna av att involvera underordnade chefer är som tidigare nämnts att det ökar motivationen för cheferna att vilja jobba efter målen. Nackdelen som följer av denna involvering är dock att underordnade chefer kan antas agera i egenintressen vilket i sin tur kan leda till budgetslack. Budgetslack uppstår genom underordnades chefers incitament att medvetet förhandla in marginaler i budgeten, detta görs med anledning av att de vill förenkla ledningsarbetet. Studiens syfte var att bidra med kunskap om hur underordnade chefers deltagande i budgetprocessen påverkar deras motivation att nå budgetmålen men också deras benägenhet till att skapa budgetslack. För att besvara studiens syfte användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod bestående av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer på tre organisationer inom olika branscher, vilket gör studien till en multipel fallstudie. Utifrån empirin framkom att samtliga organisationer ansåg att en viktig faktor för en fungerande budgetprocessen var deltagande. Studiens resultat påvisade att inre motivationen för att jobba mot målen ökade genom underordnades delaktighet i budgetprocessen, medan den yttre motivationen påverkas av bland annat belöningar. Resultatet visade även att involveringen var nödvändig eftersom det minskade informationsasymmetri mellan principal och agent. Genom studien framkom att alla individer skiljer sig åt sett till personlighet där alla agerar olika eftersom de har varierande livserfarenheter och värderingar, vilket leder till att teorin om chefers benägenhet om att förhandla in budgetslack faller. Slutsatsen fastslår att en avgörande faktor för huruvida underordnade chefer var benägna att förhandla in marginaler eller inte, var det faktum om de var hängivna till organisationen. En hängiven chef drivs främst av den inre motivationen av att rapportera ärligare, vilket enligt studien resulterar till en minskad risk för skapandet av budgetslack.
Abstract [en]
Budget is a financial management tool that is used for the purpose of guiding employees towards working according to the organization's set goals. The budget process is defined as the development of the budget. By allowing subordinate managers to be involved in this process, the budget acts as a motivational tool for those involved. The budget can motivate the subordinate managers to work harder for the budget goals, as they themselves have been involved in the development of these and have had the opportunity to influence the goals. Previous research presents both advantages and disadvantages of allowing subordinate managers to be involved in the budget process. The positive factors of involving subordinate managers are, as previously mentioned, that it increases the motivation for managers to want to work towards the goals. The disadvantage that follows from this involvement is, however, that subordinate managers can be assumed to act in their own interests, which in turn can lead to budget slack. Budget slack arises through the incentive for subordinate managers to deliberately negotiate margins in the budget, this is done since they want to simplify management work. The purpose of the study was to contribute knowledge about how subordinate managers' participation in the budget process affects their motivation to achieve budget goals but also their tendency to create budget gaps. To answer the study's purpose, a qualitative research method was used consisting of nine semi-structured interviews at three organizations in different industries, which makes the study a multiple case study. Based on the empirical evidence, it emerged that all organizations considered that an important factor for a functioning budget process was participation. The results of the study showed that the internal motivation to work towards the goals increased through subordinates' participation in the budget process, while the external motivation is affected by, among other things, rewards. The results also showed that involvement was necessary because it reduced information asymmetry between principal and agent. The study showed that all individuals differ in terms of personality, where everyone acts differently because they have varying life experiences and values, which leads to the theory of managers' tendency to negotiate budget paints falling. The conclusion is that a decisive factor in whether subordinate managers were inclined to negotiate margins was the fact that they were devoted to the organization. A dedicated manager is driven primarily by the intrinsic motivation to report more honestly, which according to the study results in a reduced risk of creating budget slack.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 42
Keywords [en]
Budget, budget process, subordinate managers, participation internal and external motivation, budget slack, agent theory, information asymmetry.
Keywords [sv]
Budget, budgetprocess, underordnade chefer, deltagande, inre- och yttre motivation, budgetslack, agentteori, informationsasymmetri
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-18904Local ID: EXC517OAI:, id: diva2:1681697
Subject / course
Business administration
Educational program
2022-08-242022-07-072022-08-24Bibliographically approved