In this paper we focus on how four change laboratories in schools in a Swedish municipalityactively used the history wall tool in their respective CL process to tackle unequal access toeducational success. The four CLs were conducted in 2019-2021 involving in total 83 participants.The participants in each of the four CL brought with them their individual professional experiencesto the work with the history wall achieving a depicted timetable. This created a common groundfor each CL collective to get a mutual understanding of the amount and content of what individualsbrought with them into the professional situation of fighting inequalities to educational success.During the analysis, important events and characteristics of periods were conceptualized. Thesesconceptualizations were further linked to the range of models created in each CL to tackleinequalities. However, it became apparent that the models differed, and we argue that theydiffered depending on the historical traits each collective discussed as issues for them at theirschool also influencing prioritized models to work further with at each school.We suggest that the history wall work both stimulated further model creation as well as served asan understanding why certain models became prioritized by each collective. Therefore, thehistorical traits should be emphasized in the process as well in the analysis of created models tounderstand the participants rationale for concept formation and model creation.