The purpose of this integrative review of research is to contribute to knowledge about the relation between teaching physical education (PE) and discourses of body weight. The review consists of summarising and synthesising features focusing on how discourses on the relation between teaching PE and body weight in scientific literature in different ways shape the idea of the role of PE. The results of the review reveal that the purposes, content, and forms for teaching PE constitute three discourses of teaching PE in relation to body weight: (i) a risk discourse, (ii) a critical obesity discourse, and (iii) a pluralistic discourse. From these discourses, five different roles of PE are identified; (i) Solving obesity and inactivity, (ii) Including overweight pupils, (iii) Rejecting an obesity epidemic, (iv) Supporting and understanding overweight pupils, and (v) Transforming PE in relation to a plurality of perspectives on body weight. As a consequence, we urge practitioners to take a reflective distance towards the purpose, content, and the pedagogies they are employing in relation to discourses on body weight in order to make informed decisions regarding PE curricula.