Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av mötet med kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relationer: En litteraturbaserad studie
2021 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
The nurse´s experiences of meeting women who have been exposed to violence in close relationships (English)
Abstract [en]
Background: Violence against women is a global public health problem that has consequenses for the individual as well as the society. The number of women exposed to violence is assumed to have increased in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic. Many are exposed to violence in their home environment where their partner is the perpetrator. Women often avoid seeking medical care and therefore the number of unreported cases is assumed to be high. Since the nurse often is the first to come in contact with the abused woman, it is important that the nurse has the knowledge required to be able to identify the women.
Aim: The aim of this study was to highlight the nurse´s experiences of meeting women who have been exposed to violence in close relationships.
Aim: The aim of this study was to highlight the nurse´s experiences of meeting women who have been exposed to violence in close relationships.
Results: The study resulted in two main themes: the nurse’s internal factors and the nurse’s external factors. Seven subthemes were designed: emotional impact, perceptions and attitudes, treatment, stress and lack of time, the nurse’s responsibility, lack of knowledge, identifying violence and a supportive environment.
Conclusion: The nurse has a responsibility to care for women exposed to violence. The results of this study showed that there is a lack of knowledge, which leads to the nurses feeling insecure in their profession. Furthermore, organizational factors as well as the nurse´s own feelings affect the work with the abused women.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 26
Keywords [en]
Abused women, Domestic violence, Experiences, Identifying, Nurse
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-17421Local ID: EXO502OAI:, id: diva2:1592694
Subject / course
Nursing science
Educational program
Nursing Programme
2021-09-152021-09-092021-09-15Bibliographically approved