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Designprinciper för IT-system menat att söka, generera och validera data för hållbart beslutsfattande: En Action Design Research studie
University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Divison of Informatics.
University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Divison of Informatics.
2021 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Towards Design Principles for Document-based Search Engine : An Action Design Research Project in An Established Company (English)
Abstract [sv]

Denna studie tar fram designprinciper för hur en sökmotor som ska gynna hållbara beslut kan designas. Tidigare forskning tar upp fem hållbarhetsaspekter presenterade i Karlskrona manifestet; Miljö, Social, Ekonomi, Teknisk och Individ. Tidigare forskning menar på att det inte funnits någon klar vägledning för hur hållbarheten kan angripas eller vad de faktiskt innebär. Genom forskningsansatsen Action Design Reseach har studien även ingått i ett utvecklingsprojekt tillsammans med GKN Aerospace i Trollhättan där en sökmotor har utvecklats i Windows Forms och NoSql databasen MongoDB. Genom intervjuer har personal på GKN frågats på hur de arbetar och ser på teknisk, ekonomisk och ekologisk hållbarhet relaterat till verksamheten i helhet och deras egna arbetsuppgifter. Från analysen av fem intervjuerskapades tre wicked problems där det tydligt fanns behov av att få statistiskt underlag för attfatta bättre hållbara beslut. Det fanns olika dokument med olika filformat utan en klar struktur. Vissa av dokumenten var analoga och otillgängliga för att kunna analysera. För att handskas med det identifierade problemen togs det fram tre designprinciper; Ge visuella grafer som kan vara till underlag för beslutstagande, söka i alla dokument oberoende av filformat, se originaldokument för att få mer underlag. Slutsatsen av studien är att artefakten stödjer de identifierade problem som har kommit fram från intervjuer och hjälper hållbara beslut att tas. Dock behöver artefakten vidareutvecklas för att kunna bli redo att integreras i en organisation. Vidare forskning av de framtagna designprinciper behöver också undersökas tillsammans med sekretessbelagda dokument och policy-driven arkitektur.

Abstract [en]

This research study brings forth design principles for a search engine that supplies a basis for sustainable decision making. Earlier studies have presented five different perspectives of sustainability: Environment, Social, Economic, Technical, and Individual. These were provided through the Karlskrona Manifesto. Earlier research states that there are no given guidelines for how sustainability should be tackled nor what it really means. The chosen research approach Action Design Research lets researchers develop an artefact for an organizational problem. This study has together with GKN Aerospace in Trollhättandeveloped a search engine in Windows Form and the NoSQL database MongoDB. Throughinterviews with personal at GKN information was gathered about how they perceive technical, economic, and ecological sustainability relative to their organization and regarding their individual tasks. Through the analysis of the five interviews three wicked problems where identified. The foundlings showed there was a need for statistical support to enable better sustainable decisions. There were also different documents with different file formats without a clear structure of how they should be written. Some documents were also unavailable for analysis because they were never converted to digital format. To tackle these problems three design principles was created; Provide visual graphs that can be used as basis for sustainable decision making. Documents should be searchable unaffected by their file format. You should also be able to see the original document to get more statistic basis. The conclusion of the study is that the artefact supports the identified problems that came fourth during the interviews and support sustainable decision making. Although, the artefact must be further developed to be ready for deployment in an organization. Further research of the identified design principles should be examined as well as design principles for classified documents and policy-driven architecture. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 62
Keywords [en]
Sustainability, Decision making, Action Design Reserach, NoSQL, Design principles
Keywords [sv]
Hållbarhet, Beslutsfattande, Action design Research, NoSQL, Designprinciper
National Category
Information Systems
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-16552Local ID: EXI500OAI:, id: diva2:1578378
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2021-07-20 Created: 2021-07-06 Last updated: 2021-07-20Bibliographically approved

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