In this article, process parameters such as laser power, deposition speed, and powder feed rate are varied at three levels, and their effect on geometrical characteristics and microstructural features of laser-direct energy deposited single-track Alloy 718 specimens is analyzed. Furthermore, the influence of standard heat treatments recommended for wrought form of Alloy 718 is investigated on as-built deposits. The main aim of the research is to curtail the amount of secondary Nb-rich precipitates such as Laves and NbCs either during the process or by subsequent heat treatments. The volume fraction analysis of Nb-rich phases shows that processing at high laser power conditions is ideal for minimizing segregation. Upon subjecting as-built deposits to (i) solution treatment, (ii) solution treatment and aging, and (iii) direct aging, a difference in volume fraction of Nb-rich phases is noticed compared to the as-built condition. Characterization of size, morphology, phase constitution through volume fraction estimation, and elemental concentrations employing electron dispersive spectroscopy analysis indicates dissolution of Nb-rich phases when subjected to heat treatments. The delta phase precipitation preferentially occurs in the top and bottom regions and sparsely in the middle region of the specimens subjected to solution heat treatment. In case of specimens subjected to direct aging (718 °C/8 h and 621 °C/8 h), delta phase is not discernable, indicating that a higher temperature (>900 °C) treatment may be necessary for delta precipitation and growth