Few previous studies have examined safety protection and injuries for competitive- and recreational athletes in mountain bike, enduro- and motocross compared to cyclists and motorcyclists in traffic. By studying requirements and standards and collecting data about safety protection and injuries from athletes in the sports, the objective was to find out and describe user's needs and requirements based on appearance, comfort, handling of equipment during training/competition to gain an understanding of the needs for increased protection. Data has been collected through interviews, surveys and contact with federations/organizations. In order to maintain a high safety for the athletes, it is important to increase the use of safety protection and work to prevent injuries by developing safety protection with high mobilityand fit intended for training and competition in mountain bike, enduro and motocross. Among the mountain bikers who responded to the survey, 61 percent only used a helmet as safety protection. 58 percent (n=188) of those who responded to the survey had injured themselves during training or competition in the past two years. The injuries usually occurred when the driver lost the control of the bike due to technical surface, a jump or drop-off. The average speed of the estimated speed at the time an accident occur is 18 km/h. The most common types of injuries are open wounds (n=75), fractures (74) and ligament injuries (40). The parts of the body where fractures and ligament injuries occur to the highest degree are the shoulders/collarbones and ribs. The requirement specification created for mountainbiking recommends an active safety protection that can protect shoulders/collarbones, chest and upper back in the event of an accident. In enduro and motocross, the attitude to wearing safety protection was good. The reason why riders choose not to use more safety protection than they do today is that it become inflexible and the mobility is reduced. The proportion who have been injured during training or competition during the past two years amounts to 56 percent. The injuries usually occur in connection with a jump and the average speed of the estimated speed at the time of the accident is just over 30 km/h. Common types of injuries that occur are concussions (n=11),cracked ribs (9) and fractures and ligament injuries at the shoulder/collarbone (9+6). The requirement specification created for enduro and motocross recommends a combined passive and active safety protection that will protect the chest, back, shoulder/collarbone and elbows.