The presentation details the development of a new masters in Work-Integrated Political Studies developed in collaboration between the Department of Political Studies at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa, and the International Programme in Politics and Economics at University West, Sweden. The Masters is designed as a two-year programme, with the first year taught, and the second year a research placement in a host organisation in government or civil society conducting applied research for the host. The research tasks for the host will be developed between the student, host and supervisor in the first year preceding the internship and written into an individual study plan. During the course of the internship students will also have take a module reflecting on the internship in all aspects, as well as regular meetings with supervisors. Data from the research tasks will also serve as the basis for the Masters’ thesis, but will require additional analysis in respect of literature review and theory, both of which are completed prior to the placement.
The plan is to develop a programme that offers more rounded training of the student, and better integrates students into the world of work, and strengthens relations between the University and the wider society. In addition, the programme has an international dimension which allows for the placement of students in multiple countries, and the potential exchange of staff and sharing of resources across continents. The hope is that the programme will eventually lead to a PhD in WorkIntegrated Political Studies too.