The work explores the possibility to build a breakout box which is used as a testing equipment in the labs to measure multi voltages i.e. as an oscilloscope which generates the electrical signal over time to measure and record the change in voltage data. The introduction to building a new compact system as the working of breakout box creates new challenges as with the accuracy and compatibility. Wiretronics is a company which aims to build an application-based unit, Data acquisition system with ROS 2 as a middleware. This work aims to build a system with the help of Teensy 3.6, Raspberry pi4, microphone sensor where the ROS 2.0 will act as a middleware. Then this built system will be applicable in finding the squeaking, cranking sounds in the cars. Also, this system can be placed over a boat and the variable change in data can be recorded and studied after the journey. Making such a unit will have econom-ically beneficial as it will replace the breakout box i.e. reducing the system cost and more-over the system will be mobile and compact to use.The part of the project will be also concerned about getting the data sets from the microphone in the form of graph and stored it in CSV files. These data sets will be used by the Machine Learning team as training datasets for machines so as to make a system which will be responsible for calculating the speed and distance travelled by any object. Testing and validation of the system described above that the wanted functionality could be obtained. It also showed limitation to the system as getting the output at a faster rate was a challenge. To build a fast system we will require fast processor. The presented concept has proven to work and can be applied not only for the testing industries for variable voltage testing. But also the output of the data can be obtained in form of graphical view than it can created as dataset for machine learning which will help in future projects like calculating the distance travelled by an object when passed through a designated path. This system further has a potential to use it an ECG machine with further reference and research.