Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition in the joint that is developing for a long time and hit first and mainlyarticular cartilage, and it is a long-term chronic disease characterized by deterioration. In the final stage itis affected all the tissues of the joints such as bones, ligaments, arthritis, joint fluid and muscles, whichresults in bones rubbing together and creating stiffness, pain, and impaired movement. This disease canaffect the joints in the knees, hands, feet, spine and shoulder. OA is the single most common cause ofdisability in older adults worldwide. Patients need to receive detailed information about the disability,learn about their disease, its treatment and how to follow recommendations both before and after thesurgery. As hospital stays are shortening the need of information is increasing, as the patients need toprepare themselves at home before the operation, as well as take care of their rehabilitation when they arecoming home, discharged from hospital. In this paper we present a case study about the development of aweb-based animated video that was developed to support the learning for patients with OA, using adesign science research approach. DSR is an iterative process that include three iterative research cycles.The relevance cycle provided the requirements for the application from the very beginning. The relevancecycle, the rigor cycle and the design cycle were conducted iteratively, and have generated designalternatives that have been evaluated in discussions with OA surgery physicians, as representatives fromthe application domain.