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Management challenges for future digitalization of healthcare services
University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Divison of Informatics. Østfold University College, Faculty of Health and Welfare, P.O. 700, Halden, 1757, Norway (NOR). (LINA)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7884-9851
University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Divison of Informatics. (LINA)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1421-868X
Østfold University College, Faculty of Health and Welfare, P.O. 700, Halden, 1757, Norway (NOR).
Østfold University College, Faculty of Health and Welfare, P.O. 700, Halden, 1757, Norway (NOR).
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2020 (English)In: Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, ISSN 0016-3287, E-ISSN 1873-6378, Vol. 124, article id 102636Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

eHealth is considered a solution to current challenges in healthcare. However, its use is not very well developed, and its potential has been little exploited. There are many reasons for the limited diffusion of eHealth. Knowledge, opportunities for training and collaborative activities are examples of factors that influence diffusion. Managerial responsibility is decisive in transforming healthcare. This paper aims at exploring middle management strategies that can facilitate workplace learning when introducing eHealth and new ways of providing healthcare. Introduction of eHealth will imply new and innovative working processes, where both employees and managers need to be aware that their work will change fundamentally, from routine work to work that involves learning, skills development and continuous changes in work practice. This study takes a qualitative approach by analysing data collected through focus group interviews. The findings indicate a necessity for a shift towards learning-oriented leadership and adaptive management that emphasizes employee involvement and opportunities for learning. Helping employees make sense of the complexities associated with continuously changing work practices is another identified middle management strategy. Scenario planning and backcasting stand out as suitable tools for sensemaking in complex organizations and as techniques that can promote workplace learning. © 2020 The Author(s)

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier Ltd , 2020. Vol. 124, article id 102636
Keywords [en]
adaptive management; digitization; future prospect; health care; health services; learning; qualitative analysis; scenario analysis; workplace
National Category
Information Systems, Social aspects
Research subject
Work Integrated Learning
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-15972DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2020.102636ISI: 000593779600012Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85091904537OAI:, id: diva2:1501497
Interreg Sweden-Norway, 20201564Available from: 2020-11-17 Created: 2020-11-17 Last updated: 2024-10-09Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Organizing for Workplace Learning in the Digitalization of Municipal Healthcare Services
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Organizing for Workplace Learning in the Digitalization of Municipal Healthcare Services
2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Organisering för arbetsplatslärande vid digitalisering av kommunla hälsotjänster
Abstract [en]

This dissertation will explore the intersection of digitalization and innovation focusing on the management of workplace learning. Adopting a sociocultural perspective, it concentrates on the organizational level, specifically on how management supports workplace learning within municipal healthcare services. The research in the dissertation is delimited to a Nordic healthcare sector, focusing on healthcare within municipal homecare and nursing homes in Sweden and Norway. In many countries, digitalization and innovation are increasingly seen as vital tools for tackling societal challenges and promoting sustainability, particularly concerning the growing gap between available resources and the increasing need for healthcare services. Despite the widespread belief in digitalization and innovation as solutions, and a generally techno-utopian or techno-optimistic outlook on digital technologies, the digital transformation of the healthcare sector has proven to be complex and has not always yielded the anticipated positive results. Factors such as experience, skills, training, knowledge, expectations regarding technology and its use, habits, and the learning environment at the workplace can all impact both the utilization of technology and the potential for driving innovation. This dissertation is built upon two studies, utilizing a qualitative research approach rooted in Engaged Scholarship. In the first study, several rounds of focus group interviews are conducted with managers and employees in municipalities in Sweden and Norway, focusing on current use, needs, and future potential for technology and digitalization, as well as mapping, analyzing, and further needs for development, organization, decisions, and guidelines to then sharpen the focus on learning and knowledge. Study II was organized as a case study following an innovation pilot project in healthcare within a Swedish municipality. Individual and group interviews were conducted with managers and employees, and viii participatory observation took place during workshops throughout the process of the pilot. The results and analyses from the two studies are detailed in the five appended articles. The findings of this dissertation highlight a gap between the current workforce’s competencies and the skills necessary for effectively implementing and utilizing new technologies. It suggests that organizing for workplace learning requires organized learning, with a particular emphasis on active and engaged management. A three-part strategy for organized learning is proposed, which includes: i) individualization through learner-centeredness, ii) the management’s use of tools and strategies, and iii) fostering a participatory learning environment. This dissertation enhances the understanding of organizing for learning in the context of digitalization and innovation within municipal healthcare services, focusing on both individual and organizational perspectives, and particularly the role of management

Abstract [no]

Denne avhandlingen studerer organisering av læring på arbeidsplassen, med digitalisering og innovasjon som del av konteksten. Gjennom et sosiokulturelt perspektiv, fokuserer den på organisasjonsnivået, og spesielt på hvordan ledelsen organiserer og legger til rette for læring som en integrert del av det daglige arbeidet innen kommunale helsetjenester. Forskningen i avhandlingen er avgrenset til en nordisk helsesektor, med fokus på helsetjenester innen kommunal hjemmesykepleie og sykehjem i Sverige og Norge. I mange land blir digitalisering og innovasjon i økende grad sett på som viktige verktøy for å møte samfunnsutfordringer og fremme bærekraft, spesielt med tanke på den voksende kløften mellom tilgjengelige ressurser og det økende behovet for helsetjenester. Til tross for den utbredte troen på digitalisering og innovasjon som løsninger, samt en generelt tekno-utopisk eller tekno-optimistisk holdning til digital teknologi, har den digitale transformasjonen av helsesektoren vist seg å være kompleks og har ikke alltid gitt de forventede positive resultatene. Faktorer som erfaring, ferdigheter, opplæring, kunnskap, forventninger til teknologi og dens bruk, vaner og læringsmiljøet på arbeidsplassen kan alle påvirke både bruken av teknologi og muligheten for å drive innovasjon. Avhandlingen er basert på to studier, og det er brukt en kvalitativ, “engaged scholarship”-tilnærming. I den første studien gjennomføres flere runder med fokusgruppeintervjuer med ledere og ansatte i kommuner i Sverige og Norge. Fokus for intervjuene er å få mer kunnskap om dagens bruk, behov og fremtidig potensial for teknologi og digitalisering, samt kartlegging, analysering og videre behov for utvikling, organisering, beslutninger og retningslinjer, for deretter å skjerpe fokuset på læring og kunnskap. Studie II ble organisert som en casestudie hvor forskningen fulgte et innovasjonspilotprosjekt i helsetjenesten i en svensk kommune. Ledere og ansatte ble intervjuet individuelt og i fokusgrupper, samt at deltakende observasjon ble gjennomført under workshops gjennom hele pilotprosessen. Resultatene og analysene fra de to studiene er presentert og diskutert i de fem inkluderte artiklene. Funnene i denne avhandlingen fremhever et gap mellom den nåværende arbeidsstyrkens kompetanse og ferdighetene som er nødvendige for vi effektiv implementering og bruk av teknologi. Avhandlingen konkluderer med at organisering for arbeidsplasslæring krever organisert læring, med særlig vekt på aktiv og engasjert ledelse. Det foreslås en tredelt strategi for organisert læring, som inkluderer: i) individualisering gjennom et fokus på den lærende, ii) ledelsens bruk av verktøy og strategier, og iii) å fremme et deltakende læringsmiljø. Denne avhandlingen bidrar til å styrke forståelsen av organisering for læring i sammenheng med digitalisering og innovasjon innenfor kommunale helsetjenester, med søkelys på både individuelle og organisatoriske perspektiver, og særlig ledelsens rolle.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Trollhättan: University West, 2024. p. 136
PhD Thesis: University West ; 68
Workplace Learning; Work-Integrated Learning; Organization; Management; Municipal Healthcare Services; Digitalization; Innovation, Arbeidsplasslæring; Arbeidsintegrert Læring; Organisering; Ledelse; Kommunal Helsetjeneste; Digitalisering; Innovasjon
National Category
Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Information Systems, Social aspects Work Sciences
Research subject
Work Integrated Learning; NURSING AND PUBLIC HEALTH SCIENCE, Nursing science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-22479 (URN)9789189969018 (ISBN)9789189969001 (ISBN)
Public defence
2024-10-30, F211, Högskolan Väst, Gustava Melins gata 2, 46186, Trollhättan, 13:00 (Swedish)

Delarbeten A, B och E har tagits bort ur den elektroniska avhandlingen / Paper A, B och E are not included in the electronic thesis.

Available from: 2024-10-07 Created: 2024-10-04 Last updated: 2024-11-07

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Gjellebæk, CamillaSvensson, AnnGrundén, Kerstin

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