The focus of this research is path optimization technique. Optimization means finding the best option from the given resource. For path optimization, one should find the optimized path from the given start and goal points. For this research, I choose Sampling based Probabilistic Road Map (PRM) algorithm, which consists of two phase, construction and query phase. In construction phase, a collision free roadmap will be generated. Once roadmap is created, it will be given as the input to the query phase, where start and goal point will be added to it. Then Dijkstra optimization algorithm will be implemented which concludes the query phase. That's how an optimized path will be yielded out, using PRM and Dijkstra algorithm. And, when the robot starts moving through the obtained path, the automatic calculation of energy will be done using RobotStudio add-ins. Interfacing is done by visual studio and ABB Robot Studio for simulated result.