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Upplevelser och förändringar i rollen som ledare och hos individen under samt efter genomgången kurs i UGL: Utveckling av Grupp och Ledare
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Experiences and changes in the role as a leader as well as in individuals during and after a course in UGL : Development of group and leader (English)
Abstract [sv]

En sökning på ledarskapsutveckling via Google och databasen APA PsycInfo renderar sammanlagt drygt 200 000 träffar. Detta tyder på ett stort intresse för ledarskapsutveckling. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur deltagare tar sig an uppgiften att bearbeta samt eventuellt vidareutveckla upplevelser samt förändringar som tar plats under och efter en UGL kurs. Frågeställningarna berör ämnen runt hur de i sin ledarroll arbetat med inhämtade kunskaper och hur de som individer upplever att de har påverkats. Vi intervjuade sex ledare från mellersta och södra Sverige som deltagit på en UGL kurs under 2019. Vi använde oss av en semistrukturerad intervju där valet föll på att bearbeta insamlad empiri med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Det som framkom när det gällde ledarrollen var utveckling av tydlighet, trygghet samt effekter av det egna ledarskapet och behovet av användbara verktyg. Det mest utmärkande på det individuella planet var att deltagarna upplevde att de fick kunskaper om sig själv. Grupputvecklingens betydelse var ett ämne som de flesta frekvent återkom till under intervjuerna. Trots det ringa, men ändå väl geografiskt spridda respondentdeltagandet, har vi fått ett relativt fylligt resultat. Detta gav insyn i deras upplevelser av hur kursen har påverkat dem, kunskaper de förvärvat som ledare och inverkan det haft på dem som individer.

Abstract [en]

When searching for leadership development at Google and the database APA PsycInfo you get a about 200,000 hits. This indicates interest for the subject. The purpose of this essay is to study how the participants handle the processing and possible further develop experiences and changes that takes place during and after a course in UGL. The issues concern topics about how they, in their role as a leader, have worked with obtained knowledge. The issues concern topics about how they, in their role as a leader, have worked with acquired knowledge and the effect on them as an individual. We interviewed six leaders from central and south part of Sweden who, during 2019, has participated in a UGL course. We used semistructured interviews and choose to process the collected data using a thematic analysis. The most important thing that emerged about the role of the leader were the development of clarity, security and the effects of the individual leadership and the need for useful tools. The most characteristic on an individual level was gaining good knowledge about yourself. Group development was the topic that most frequently were mentioned during the interviews. Despite the small but well geographically dispersed participation of respondents, we provide insight into their experiences of how they got affected by the course, knowledge they acquired as leaders and the influence it had on them as individuals.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 37
Keywords [en]
UGL, experience-based, leader, leadership role, leadership, group development, dynamics, individual, personal development, semi-structured interview, thematic analysis
Keywords [sv]
UGL, upplevelsebaserad, ledare, ledarroll, ledarskap, grupputveckling, dynamik, egen individ, personlig utveckling, semistrukturerad intervju, tematisk analys
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-15342Local ID: EXM540OAI:, id: diva2:1452618
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2020-07-20 Created: 2020-07-07 Last updated: 2020-07-24Bibliographically approved

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